apple, you piss me off sometimes.
my lovely white ibook is in for repair due to both a logic board failure and a harddrive failure. normally it wouldnt be an issue, but because my book was in a series to have known logic board issues i have to get a certain special logic board, one that is conviently out of stock.
at least i got to play with a fun camera this weekend, the canon 1d mark ii. 8 fps of 8MP goodness. hurrah.
[the combination of these means all my photos are inconveniently on a different computer, blah]
my lovely white ibook is in for repair due to both a logic board failure and a harddrive failure. normally it wouldnt be an issue, but because my book was in a series to have known logic board issues i have to get a certain special logic board, one that is conviently out of stock.

at least i got to play with a fun camera this weekend, the canon 1d mark ii. 8 fps of 8MP goodness. hurrah.
[the combination of these means all my photos are inconveniently on a different computer, blah]
updating is for suckers.
On the bright side, when they break more then 3 times, Apple replaces with a new ibook. A friend of mine got an iBook G4 after his iBook G3 went through 3 logic boards.