Wow its getten to be that time of the year again that i hate oh so dearly, A.when it gets cold,and B.holidays such as christmas cause its all smashed into my birthday 2days after new years and its always shitty cause no1 has any money cause they spent it all on christmas and no one wants to party cause they are still fucked up from new years so i am always stuck with the shittiest birthday of the year. haha listen to me bitchen. On a lighter note I get to go back to New York soon so im excited about that i miss the E. village it kicks ass. I need to do some updaten and renewal soz my ass dont get tha boot from the site. 2weeks and 3 days goin on strong,old habbits still linger in the back of my mind eating away at my newly formed values i just look at the money and that is something HUGE right now and it NOT being spent er..wasted is a very very good thing. Save,Save,Save!

funny thing though the dog'd birthday was on the same day........... but they never fergot about that.
celebrate it in july or something
my uncle did that
he hated celebrating in crappy canadian february