I didnt know i still had my membership on here.
Mind boggling.
Soo....I decked my bf in the head 2 days ago and he has a HUGE knot behind his ear
blood clot? Dunno but he knows not to fuck with me now. I may be small but i dont take
no shit. Cant, id be crazy...er more crazy..uh whatever.
It seems like everything around me is dying what tha fuck is up with that?
Anyone got a spare room i can bum around in for a while?
I wanna get the fuck outta here at any expense.
I hate to be the girl who throws her sorrows on a blog but uh
I think thats me righ now whether i like it or not.
I hate my living situation.
my boyfriend is semi strung out and he has lost his damnit mind.
I swear he use to not be as retarded and dependent as he is. Drugs will FUCK people up.
His emotions and common sense are virtually non existents it makes me mental and oh so sad at the same time.
Its crazy when you fall for someone based on your communication connection and then to have that disappear on a cost of a needle. Ive been there and done that and Im not in it with him. Im on the other side this time and I know I cant leave him like that but Im almost to the point where thats all i can do.
I have to think about me too right? Someone tell me im wrong.
See what I mean kinda? Im venting only a miniscule portion of my world.
Im ripping at the seams though.
Someone give me a job!!!
ok i bes shut the fuck up.
Peace out Yo.
Shit will get better....it cant get worse?!
Mind boggling.
Soo....I decked my bf in the head 2 days ago and he has a HUGE knot behind his ear
blood clot? Dunno but he knows not to fuck with me now. I may be small but i dont take
no shit. Cant, id be crazy...er more crazy..uh whatever.
It seems like everything around me is dying what tha fuck is up with that?
Anyone got a spare room i can bum around in for a while?
I wanna get the fuck outta here at any expense.
I hate to be the girl who throws her sorrows on a blog but uh
I think thats me righ now whether i like it or not.
I hate my living situation.
my boyfriend is semi strung out and he has lost his damnit mind.
I swear he use to not be as retarded and dependent as he is. Drugs will FUCK people up.
His emotions and common sense are virtually non existents it makes me mental and oh so sad at the same time.
Its crazy when you fall for someone based on your communication connection and then to have that disappear on a cost of a needle. Ive been there and done that and Im not in it with him. Im on the other side this time and I know I cant leave him like that but Im almost to the point where thats all i can do.
I have to think about me too right? Someone tell me im wrong.
See what I mean kinda? Im venting only a miniscule portion of my world.
Im ripping at the seams though.
Someone give me a job!!!
ok i bes shut the fuck up.
Peace out Yo.
Shit will get better....it cant get worse?!
there they are good... but bad
ya know?