I went to the doctor yesterday for my back and got some muscle relaxers out of it. wahoo.
so ive been gobblen them up today and i finally got a letter from Luke my heart flew away like i was 14 and i just met him again. It was the best.
I made all my appointments today like a big girl. Hair on the 21,eyes...
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some super creep hit on me at tys hosue yesterday after i clearly stated how happy i was to be married
he was like "damn i was hoping to find out what all those piercings were like" suggesting i just say fuck my mirrage and blow him
i told him to get the fuck back and that i was happily married and bla bla bla
im not used to getting hit on
probably because i never leave my apartment
so when do i get to see you
i miss you and i think you need someone to kick it with that knows whats goingon
and your like my sister practicaly so call me
or email since im always on line
Ok I went to pick up my ring from being sized and ironically the guy who is assisting me's name just happens to be none other than luke. Ha ha real funny God. j/k it was cool.
I got a new camera for my photography class and im real excited about taken some shots. Maybe i can finally take pretty pictures of me for you...
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you are gorgeous...would love to see a set from you! love
yeah he drew a small rough sketch
im always here man
my sister will be here the 18, 19, 20
call me whenever or if its busy im online
i wont get tattooed for a bit but ill go with you when ever you want to go
im good at the moral support role
im always austins and isaacs
even rob when he got his head tattooed
so yeah call me
well damn,
shit is different, im playing the waiting game.Im waiting every passing day to find out whats going to happen next and how long im going to have to wait again until all of this ends. I just want Luke to come back. He is in a place he doesnt deserve to be in. Fuck the Middle Tennessee system. Its a twisted wire of...
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Im at work.I cant escape.Im all alone on the edge of my seat waiting for the next step. Life has changed.I am sad.
frown whatever frown whatever frown whatever frown whatever
im always here dude
im online alot
so if the phone is busy pick up the computer
and austin is at work til later so if you want to come by im here
i know its fucking hard, it rreallllllllllly sucks and i know you miss him
and i dont think it was cool how they trapped him
i just hope this time he learns from it
fuck this life.
im dead inside.
i know shits fucked up right but thats a pretty tough claim
to be dead inside
you can always call me
even tho everything has been so ugly lately im still here to listen
hope you start feeling more alive
hey, i'll be your friend if you need someone to talk to about stuff.
Im about to go to work. Im running on 4 hours of sleep and a morning in the hospital the place i fear the most. Today blows,the weather doesnt make it any better and,well,shit could be better to say the least.We shall see as the day progresses.If not,theres always tomorrow.
hope luke is ok

i have to have some oral surgery tomorrow or the next day
i have an infection and a nasty fever

i think im dying
sorry you got caught in the middle of family battle royal

oh well, im not interested anymore, ive done everything i can to be a good sister and daughter inlaw and nobody gives a shit
so whatever

you are welcome in my home at anytime
I start my photography class next friday which im "stoked" about (haha funny word) and maybe a free class camera will come with tha deal, yea right wishful thinking.
My boy's gettn surgery on thurs. gotta do sweet things 4 him when thats all done cause he's always doin nice things 4 me now its my turn.
God some females are fucking dumb as...
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whelp i guess nothing is private
or truthful
luke hates me and seems to have no idea you arnt a huge fan of his mom
apparently you have never said a bad word about carla, i guess only to me , which is fine, i wasnt about to share it with the whole world
i want out of this stupid state
how dare people hate me for sticking up for myself and my husband
fuck it
not my family
luke made that very fucking clear
its ok for carla to say awful things aobut me but not for me to defend myslef and do the same to her
luke told austin that he has never heard you say a bad word about carla
so i dunno
this is all very highschoolish really
he said she said fucking nonsense
luke said to austin that he and cain feel as tho im tearing their family apart
i guess
doesnt make any sense to me
but whatever i dont even fucking care anymore
luke wants to call my house calling me a bitch
he can go fuck himself
he hates me so much
then he never has to se me again
it used to upset me so much when carla would say awful things about luke but whatever
i dont care
i want to go back to canada
i suppose thats where i belong since nobody has ever treated me like this up there
i could talk to you , and it was nice , i had someone who understood how difficult it could be
... i dunno, i love luke and cain , i wouldnt ever hurt them
carla has been evil to me, she has hurt the person i love the most
i fail to see how anyone that has half a brain in their head cannot understand my problems with her
what would you do if someone hurt luke?
what would he do if someone hurt you like carla hurt austin?
when he is in that position seeing the person he loves the most in this world crying and in agony due to anothers actions, then he can have an opinion on how i handle things, but not a moment fucking sooner
Man I wish i had a cable modem that would kick ass.
SG are so hot.
I tried to get my recent pictures onto my computer but my adobe photoshop fucked up and wouldn't open so I have to uninstall and reinstall all that shit again be4 i can tweak with any pictures and make them sizable for my page.Blows. I HATE computers!! fucking spyware...
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i dont have a cable modem but you gotta come check out this mac quinne got...... no pop ups , the best comp ever........hellfire
I think its time to stop and take a step back.
You know when you've been running along with life for a while and you start to slowly realize that there is shit that isnt exactly right?
What actually IS important?
What effect is tha shit im doing now going to have over time?
What direction am i going?
What IS tha big picture?
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sounds like my thoughts when i was 18
and its the same becuase you only just turned 19
I pick my nose.
If i dont like you...
Booger in yo face! kiss muhahaha
Thats just how i feel today damn it.
Frustrated i rekon.
I MUST start using my camera again. I am going to take a photography class to boost my camera useage.I am finally going back to work tomorrow whoopee! Another thing I must do is blow some money on a tattoo and Quinne your coming with mesmile i know you want one too girl.Maybe if we go together tha tattoo guy will think we're hot and...
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poor luke
ill come with you to get tattooed
but i cant get tattooed i have noooooooooo money
but ill come for moral support, thats what ive been doing alot lately
go to aaron
hes awesome
calllll meee ill be here or leave a message
I dont really have much to say today. I could bitch about my town and how i havent been to work in 2 weeks cause of the fucking holidays and the fact that I have no money,but im not one for bitching(it has no effect) I have to go take care of registration and fee payment for school tomorrow. I dont mind having to do...
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fuck, every body hates this town... is it really so bad?
uh yeah it is so bad
stupid college students
anyway i think it is suppose to storm tonight