It has been 2 months since I have last posted. At least on thing has changed I will no longer be ranting about money and new jobs and shit like that. I just got hired to two new jobs. One is a bartender at a Texas style joint that has bands come play which is cool i guess. The other is a corporate waitressing...
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Ok I have done slight editing to both this and my myspace page.
Yay finally. I lost the plug(charger) to my camera. so I have spent the past hour freaking out fumbeling through an endless mountain of crapola. To which i have said fuck it, I quit. Ill just have to use the old one. Its better anyways!
Umm... I am still the biggest procrastinator...
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I was hoping to make friends but alas I'm already leaving the site (after 2 years mind you).. so if you want, look me up on myspace.com/dirty_xxx

Ok I have a lot of editing and updating to do on all accounts.
Hopefully ill have my shit together by the end of the week. we shall see.
Maybe ill make it in this world, maybe not, would it be so bad? der
I dunno.
Wow i need some serious RnR.
Gnite surreal
You sound sad.. I wish I could give you a big ol hug to make you feel better..

Take care, beautiful
ok so im at fido in nashville with my sister.
la da dee it is soooo beautiful this whole weekend i feel like such a dork for acting all hum dinger but i dont give a damn.
Im feeln lucky..how about you?!
tonight...roots and naughty by nature at vandy i believe...also sound tribe if you please...
i wanna meet sum1 worth knowing tonight.
Wow a lot is going on.
Valium and brandy mmmm warms my soul. tehe
umm ok i got a new book to fill with my nonsense drawings.
Im really excited about working on my portfolio.
Ive got all new colors in paint, oil pastels, pencils etc. and
ive collected all of my good photos from back when my camera still worked.
Im glad i have...
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Oh my but you are beautiful. You should never be lonely.
call me lady
I went throgh the most fucked up shit last night.
Life seems pretty odd now.
Winter is here already,cold,wet,depressing,and as always dramatic.
I finally can say i have a cool job.
No more job woes for now.
Sanity is my concern now.
Anyone know of any good reads?
I think a new read would keep the stress levels down a bit.
oh on top of...
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who is stalking you
email me
i threw up on the page yesterday.
That is what that was all about
I didnt know i still had my membership on here.
Mind boggling.
Soo....I decked my bf in the head 2 days ago and he has a HUGE knot behind his ear
blood clot? Dunno but he knows not to fuck with me now. I may be small but i dont take
no shit. Cant, id be crazy...er more crazy..uh whatever.
It seems like everything around...
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drugs are bad
there they are good... but bad
ya know?
My friends it has been QUITE the journey.
I got fired randomly by this old bitch who didn't like
my appearance after having worked for her for like
6months.Fuck the south sometimes man. You arent
judged for the right reasons. Fuck men too.
I put up with some dumb shit. I guess its ok cause i DID
beat his ass afterward...
bruises and blood muhahaha....
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Dude ok i got a shit ton of bills today.
some sweepstakes shit that says i am one of 4 winners and i am the only one who hasnt claimed my prize money of 3Million bucks.
Yea fucking right!
If i ONLY had luck like that.
TWO motherfuckn weeks until i am finally released from the binding grips of Williamson County Probation....
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you're my cute little girlie