I rocks da mics... I'll say it twice
R ollin' down the street in a 64 would be nice
O uch suckas say when they get defeated
C rackhead MC next to me you'll always be second seated
K nockin' suckas out with the left and a right
S lurrin' my words never even after drinkin' all night
D amn my mic sounds nice check 1, 2, 3
A nd I'll tell you on the mic I flow so easily
M y pros gets paid cause that's what pros do
I always listen to my mommy cause I'm a good Jew
C an't you see I love all types of suicide girls
S ucka MC's curls when my rhymes unfurls
fun indeed. That was inspired by mjthekracker
tanks and praises jah monky face

A nd it seems like every day I'm grantin' you tha' wish
T hat's cuz I'm like Nike, and I'll just do it.
M ondays are meant for me and your mouth
Y our lips on my body, headin' down south
B ury your face right between my thighs
O h man you look good, when all I can see are your eyes
X . Shit. what the fuck starts with x. Just do it already.
just what i needed.
the one above this made me laugh out loud.
shit. just do it already.
can't argue with that!