I'm going to actually write my blog that I've been putting off for sometime. The world has been treating me relatively good the last few months. I've been working building some cool things that I'm pretty proud of. When I'm not at work being a carpenter I've been planning and building for fun. Well for Burning Man. Each regional area can apply to build deliver and burn an effigy. Ours is going to be an eighteen foot by fourteen foot giant head with windows for eyes, an entrance through the mouth and a door at the back. A helix style set of stairs/ladder in the center of the building,
a patio upper deck protected with guard rails and of course dinosaurs and robots. The victoria community is working together to make something wonderful. Drive it sixteen hours south, rebuild it in the desert and then BURN IT!!! Although I am not on bookface my project is here.
I built a model of the head out of cedar and door skin. The scale was 6:1 so every foot was represented by two inches. The links have a bunch of pictures of the model but here is one. The eyes will be on hinges and everything must be made of wood.

" I helped make that happen"... any dollar would be greatly aprreciated.

Stay Silly Everyone,
MDW xo
Great project you are working on!

I might need to drive down to Kentucky. There are a bunch of no-kill shelters around where I live, but KY dog shelters are full of hound dogs that will get put to sleep if no one adopts them.