WOW been a long time since I even came on the site let alone really sat down at it to look at my blogs and what not. I really miss what SG was when I started. I'm going to do what I can to get back here, I want to get to meet people again and have that connection that SG allows which let's face...
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I've found some time but I haven't found my self on here like I thought I would. A lot has changed in a year especially when it comes to my "SG life". I was on this site non stop last year, met a lot of really awesome people as well. Then I graduated and my job became 150% instead of just 100% of my time...
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Well thats a surprise! Go to the site and its all new. Not much going on in the busy boring life that I continue to live. Being a wedding photographer certainly has its perks, constantly meet new people just long enough to check them out, briefly talk and then never see them again. I think in the same respect though it some what inhibits my...
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Well all has been quiet. Haven't heard much from anyone on here, actually at all. There are a few of you lovelies that I talk to more regularly off of SG but I do miss the sense of community that I sought and found just about a year ago on here. I am far from one who needs or even enjoys to be the center...
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Good luck starting your business! smile
Dude, I totally get what you're saying about the community feel, it's as if the mood has slowed down considerably. I thought I was being active, but I guess I have much and more to do. After taking a break from here, I lost so much contact with tons of cool people, and it definitely feels like life (in SGLAND) went on without me. But just know you're not the only one experiencing the isolation. tongue Expect better friendship opportunities in the outside world, no matter how few in between those meetings occur.
Just started on chaturbate so far love it and I just started a cam, I'll only really be on certain nights (eastern time) but if you want to check it out
Hey guys! Okay so making the effort to get on daily smile. So some new things in my life over the last few months. For one, my ex is totally out of my life (AMAZING FEELING) after graduation she tried to still stay in communication and stuff and honestly there was no reason for it, I pretty much just ended up telling her I had...
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That all sounds like awesome news! Are there any alternate means of transportation to get there without all the tolls?

Silly you know all this! haha <3 unfortunately nothing cheaper
Well I have hardly been around this summer :/ and I have lost touch with many of my SG loves. All sad things frown. My subscription is up soon too (this week I believe) So i am trying to decide if I want to keep it or just let it expire. I love this site and the people here but I do miss the conversations...
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Thanks Kitsun! Agreed, once a few people I talked to regularly started getting me on Kik it is much easier to devote time to that (since i am always on my phone) than here on SG but I do love the community
Cycle of life, my brother. Nothing remains the same forever, and we're all forced at some point to take a break. If yours is approaching, and you're on the fence about it, follow the road that brings peace to your mind instantly.

If you're like me, you value free time. This site is very addictive and does drain you, though it's not necessarily negative. Take a moment to breath, reflect on it, trust in your choice. Looking back on my decision to vacation from the site, I can say that I made the right choice. smile

Good luck making the choice, and find your way back should you decide to part for the time being. Remember, nothing is permanent.
Yes, I am still alive! I do miss SG deeply. Being in the summer grind is taking its toll, mostly very little time for SG. If you want to chat though just add me on kik - dflip always open to talk and listen! Work has just been super busy and most nights when i get home between 7 and 8 I eat dinner, come...
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It has been a long time! Not sure if anyone will even read it but feel like I owe you guys.

So first off hey, hello, good to see ya! I've noticed something lately maybe its part of the "growing older and wiser" or maturing or something like that BUT I am noticing my self becoming more attracted to the little things. Yes this is...
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Sounds like you are doing pretty well.... smile
I know a lot of you are photographers out there. There is one hour left on this auction (it is mine) this is a great deal! 2 canon 430 exIIs

Hey everyone! So I'm graduated and today is my birthday sweet shit! Show my inbox some love it has been a while.
Congrats man...I personally love the ancient art of gathering in formal convocation. The more ridiculous the attire...the more I enjoy it smile
happy bdAY!!!!
Well all that is left is to walk at graduation on Friday. Otherwise my college career is over and I could not be happier.
if I only ever had finished college tongue