The place to talk about meeting in real life: local events and gatherings. Also a great place to find your true love or your new best friend, discuss your favorite members or just say hello or goodbye to everyone on the site.
For people to find comfort in others when dealing with depression and other mental health issues. We're here to help. If you need help immediately, please call your local emergency personnel. You may also find help here: or Mods: @blu, @sugarcunt, @skella, @inkedodie
All things relating to creating music!
The Latina group is appreciation of the beauty of the Latina and to show pride of the Latino culture. ALL are welcome and the SG rules apply. Please be respectful of all races and in general have fun! And please feel free to answer and post questions to the members …
Who doesn't like oral?
We love thin girls! Members can post their favourite thin girl pictures, recommendations for the best clothes for those of the leaner variety, and any other topic related to spreading the love of the lithe. This group is NOT for expressing dissatisfaction with your weight, seeking advice for eating disorders, …
A group for the dread~ed heads of SG. Everything from tips on how to keep them nappies happy to the history of dreadlocks. Everything is welcome: personal stories, tips, methods, history, links, pictures, and just basic chit chat.
This is a forum to share ideas about practical "real time" BDSM.
For members, hopefuls, and SGs in South & Central America! Para les miembres, hopefuls, y SGs en Sur y Centro America! Para os membros, candidatos, e SGs em South & Central America!