@cheshire_ Thank you for introducing me to this game
Use the first letter of your Username to answer these:
1. A Type of Candy - Mounds
2. A Song - Can’t think of one
3. A Football Team - Minnesota Vikings
4. A Tailgate Food - Malt liquor
5. A City - Miami
6. A Colour - Magenta
7. A Movie - Can’t think of one
8. A Camping Item - Can’t think of one
9. Something to Wear -
10. Something to be Thankful For - Money
11. Something in a Haunted House - Murder
12. Something Yellow - Can’t think of one
13. Historical Person - Mandela
A bit of a cheat only using his last make there haha but couldmt think of another great one
14. A Candle Scent - Mango
15. A Fall Activity - Mountain Climbing
Now let's see who I want to see do this for themselves...