Unfortunately I have to return to a question that has now become ridiculous, namely the treatment reserved for us unofficial photographers. If we have no hope of being able to see one of our sets purchased, the site would put a rule in which it requires the models, hopeful and "pink" that they are, to take only sets with official photographers, so that we others do not waste time in a work that would prove useless. I'm tired of seeing my work, and that of many other colleagues of mine, practically thrown away, and seeing that it has nothing to envy to that done by many official photographers, most of whom are not even professional photographers and obviously out of this site do not work as a photographer. Unfortunately I am Italian, and here the situation is unsustainable, because in addition to this "unfair competition" we also have to fight against some attitudes on the part of the models at least irritating: at the age of 44 I think I deserve better, and I certainly deserve respect for the my job, and my colleagues deserve the same. I do not believe with my shots that I have created Caravaggio or Raphael or Rembrandt, but I certainly have not created poor quality works, trying to stick to the rules imposed by the site itself on how to take photographs, rules that normally are not followed by many official photographers, as the use of make-up, artificial lights and more can be seen a mile away. I tried to get me to go down to make compliant sets, practically without imagination, to burn the lights, to take totally overexposed shots behind the model, to make leather at the limit of synthetic, hours of work, and then see things out of every concept of normality: I would say enough. Soon I will upload my last set, which will be my last collaboration on this site, sure that it will do exactly the same as the others, with everything being done exactly with the rules of the site, also going against my personal artistic choices, and all to see if this was enough, but I already know the answer, and I know exactly how it will end. A greeting and a hug to all those who followed and supported me