Well I am back. I know it is a little late since my last entry however me purchasing a laptop is very much in the near future! Plus a renewal for this kick ass web site that I have missed more than anything in the world over the last few months. Life is kind of boring however my very exciting nerdy new is that I...
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Well apparently I did die. Life with no computer or internet for the last like 4 months is suicide itself. I have not forgotten about any of you I just haven't been able to contact you. So much has changed in my life. I broke up with my b/f (hence the no computer) moved out (even more so why i have no net) however...
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Well apparently I did die. Life with no computer or internet for the last like 4 months is suicide itself. I have not forgotten about any of you I just haven't been able to contact you. So much has changed in my life. I broke up with my b/f (hence the no computer) moved out (even more so why i have no net) however...
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we miss u dearly too
holy crap!!! I'm sorry about you & your boyfriend, but welcome back and you better have a nice long weekend too!
Wow Sorry if I have entirely fallen off the face of the plant but my life has been crazy insane busy. Im still alive and wanted to let you all know that but im on the run as usual so i promise to up date you all later this evening
Earls tomorrow at 8pm
y'know, I gave you this free account so you'd actually use it. Maybe I should have given it to someone else.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I just wrote an entire entry and it didn't save cuz I changed my Profile. FU***********************************************************************************
Not impressed so here I go again!!!
This V-day is depressing. It has been sad to see all the girls get something and me nothing. This is my first V-day single in forever and it is much different. I swear V-day was invented to make unavailable women happy,...
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Not impressed so here I go again!!!
This V-day is depressing. It has been sad to see all the girls get something and me nothing. This is my first V-day single in forever and it is much different. I swear V-day was invented to make unavailable women happy,...
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Check out my journal
So were are at the hospital everything ready to go, I switched my work schedule and a midterm around then because of a bed shortage they cancelled the surgery. I'm sooo pissed off it is like a huge emotional rollercoasted ride plus now i need to right my midterm in Bio tomorrow and I have yet to study cuz really the reason I was \n't...
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That sucks But just think of all the fun we are going to have at Lame's party Can't wait to see you there
at least it isn't going to cost you millions....
I can't let you into the canada west group until you get a picture up though. So reapply once that's done okay?
I can't let you into the canada west group until you get a picture up though. So reapply once that's done okay?
Well I'm back ! The weekend was a bore and we did absolutely nothing. However the casino at the place we stayed was pretty awesome. So last night I found out my mom is going for bipass surgery tomorrow because she has 4 blockages in her heart. Haw crazy ain't it. For those who don't know my mom has been a very sick lady for...
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i hope everything goes ok
my best wishes to you and your mom. everything will turn out well i bet - they're quite good with the bypasses and the heart stuff here.
Well I'm off to Winnipeg for the weekend for dancing(german dancing). We have to perform Friday night and Saturday night. As much as I'd like to be excited I'm not. I have so much studying to do (Bio Midterm next Friday) not to mention.... no money. I'm so broke it makes me sick. Thank God between my two jobs I get payed every friday however...
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1) NDT asst tech at an industrial inspection company. Easy work for the most part.
2) Clean eh? Make music.
3) Brewster's. Or Locus in Van. That place rules.
[Edited on Jan 29, 2005 4:03AM]
2) Clean eh? Make music.
3) Brewster's. Or Locus in Van. That place rules.
[Edited on Jan 29, 2005 4:03AM]
how did dancing go sweetie?
1) Where do you work?
At a soul-sucking non-profit that won't even buy me a garbage can.
2) Something you do for fun?
3) Favorite bar or pub?
Bar - The Owl (old habits die hard), Pub - Bushwakker's
1) Where do you work?
At a soul-sucking non-profit that won't even buy me a garbage can.
2) Something you do for fun?
3) Favorite bar or pub?
Bar - The Owl (old habits die hard), Pub - Bushwakker's
So I did it. I broke up with my B/F. I feel so much better and I'm eating again. Yaaaaaaaaaaaa cuz food is my favrite thing. We are still hanging out and things are actually great. I love not having a boyfriend but being able to have him as my best friend which works out better. I think he is even happy about how things...
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Hey there! sorry - my computer was sick for a few days. Hope all is well!
glad to hear it was a clean break! those don't happen often, and i think they become more rare as the years of dating beforehand increase. atleast it went well for you!
are you taking classes this semester? and if so, what are you taking?
are you taking classes this semester? and if so, what are you taking?
I have been there too hun I hope that things work out - I know how confusing that whole "best friend" thing can be.
As for not having many girl friends - you got me! (even though I have not seen you face to face yet) or have I?? I met soooo many SG's in Regina when I first got here that I was really overwelmed. Even so - we will have many fun times ahead of us!
As for not having many girl friends - you got me! (even though I have not seen you face to face yet) or have I?? I met soooo many SG's in Regina when I first got here that I was really overwelmed. Even so - we will have many fun times ahead of us!
oh, hon. i know it may not seem like it now, but things will all work out in the end.
*hugs* so you can stay strong through it all.
*hugs* so you can stay strong through it all.
Well how was everyones New Years? I know some of you were quite disappointed by the weather that ruined your trip to Calgary. So I'm sorry to those. Mine was actually quite eventful in some ways. I changed the color of my hair to black and blond, its definately different. I'll post pictures once I get them developed. Otherwise I went to a house party...
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new years was pretty okay...but I'm excited to see what you're hair looks like. I did the blonde/black thing, but mine looked gross (because it was bright yellow blonde) but check out my journal for some less than exciting news
hehe...i dunno if he was one of the managers in charge of letting people go, but how do you know bill?
Merry Christmas everyone!
Hope you all have a gooder filled with lots of presents and lots of booze( but in a safe manner).
Hope you all have a gooder filled with lots of presents and lots of booze( but in a safe manner).
Hope you had a gooder too!!
Sorry I didn't get to meet you at the Christmas bash but there is plenty o time for that!
Happy New Year!!!
Happy New Year!!!
F*** I hate school. Life is such a bitch! So I have already failed physics once so now I am on the second time around and just got my midterm back of course mine was of the harded two and I sure did fail in oppose to everyone who had the other that passed with flying colors. I am in such a grumpy mood.
I am feeling EXTREME hatred towards school a tthis very moment of 3:46am when I am STILL trying to study for a logic exam I will most likely fail. I share your grumpy-ness
It was fun seeing you at the SGRegina get together though!!
It was fun seeing you at the SGRegina get together though!!