I've been MIA and lots has been going on, so I'll fill you in. Work has been absolutely nuts. The first part is about work, and is pretty boring. So, unless you're interested in the economy and how I'm involved, then don't bother with this
SPOILERS! (Click to view) For those who don't remember or know, I work at a bank and deal w/upset customers. When I'm not doing that, I'm advising people on their loan products. The last week I was at work, it was all home loan shit. Mortgage rates were flying all over the place and everyone was calling in a panic. Should I refinance? Should I not? I'm locked in on a rate on a loan in progress, can I change it? All day it was like this. When we're that busy with loan stuff, it's almost more frustrating than the the angry people. This is because most people think they understand mortgages, but don't. When you pretty much have to tell them that "No, that's not how it is," they get upset. Why? Because I deal with the pretentious customers who have money, and most of those have had their fortunes spoon-fed to them. Thus, they know everything. I know I should be grateful to have a job, and I really am, but I just need to find something else to do. I wouldn't mind the loan stuff if I could tell people off and not have to deal with so many of these stuffed-shirts, but as long as every call is monitored, I'm fucked.
Ok, so the rest of my life....it's not really that exciting either since it's mostly about a cat, so....
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Two weeks ago I sent my cat to go live w/my Mom in Austin, partly because she wanted another one, and partly because I was just tired of dealing with all of it (the mess, the smell, the extra expense, etc.) So, he gets out there fine, only for me to get here earlier this week and for him to be lost without her telling me. I instantly felt llike it was a huge mistake, and I was pissed that Mom didn't even clue me in to this fact until I got here. Luckily, for everyone involved, including the cat, we found him. If we hadn't of found him when we did, he would've been a goner because he's old, and an icy-cold front went through the next day.
Other than that though, I've had a good time so far for "Christmas Observed." My Mom lives about 20 miles N of Austin, so I don't really get to go out as much as I would like, but that's probably a good thing because there's free food and booze here, haha. This is the part of my family that I really enjoy spending time with. It's the crazies I have to deal with in AZ from my dad's side of the family that drive me nuts. Ever since he died my bro and I have been relegated to 2nd-class family it seems like. It never ceases to amaze me the shit they pull.
As for the rest...I'm really kind of pissed at myself that I didn't go to the SGAZ Christmas party. I ended up going on a trip w/my buddy who was on leave from Iraq, but I'm sure we probably both would've had more fun at a party than we did camping. Regardless though, it was good to see him and hear about his crazy shit that he has going on. I think really I'm just glad he's alright since he and I have been friends since we were 6.
I've decided that I continue leave myself way too wide-open to getting hurt. Anyone that's been my friend on here for awhile knows more-or-less what went down with my ex. Despite learning that tough lesson, I still don't seem to know better and I'm too nice...almost to the point of being naive. But hell, you start to have feelings for someone, and it's easy to blind yourself to whats going on around you. Am I the only one that has that problem? I can't believe that I am. Regardless...I need to learn how to be more of a dick I guess to play this dating nonsense. Either that, or just really start not to give a fuck and see where that goes. I don't know...I hate the idea of changing myself at all, but obviously something is wrong if I keep attracting the same wrong women.
Wanna know what I'm stoked about though? This! Snow in AZ means I get to board soon!! I can't wait to get home and get my board fixed and get my shit together!! 

I know I should be grateful to have a job, and I really am, but I just need to find something else to do.
i feel like this a lot. everyday i read about people searching for jobs and i am so thankful to have one, but then people who are a little better off than me come in and hassle me about the stupidest most petty stuff. sigh. but sometimes you have to take the bad with the good.
and please don't ever become more of a jerk due to some bad experiences. its sad to see so many nice guys abused and changed. i've seen this happen too many times.
Regardless...I need to learn how to be more of a dick I guess to play this dating nonsense.
Now why would you wanna go and do that??!? You're a nice, intelligent, and handsome man, and granted you may not have found someone to appreciate that yet, it's an admirable mix and you should try to keep it. Changing yourself to attract quantity rather than quality doesn't usually work out too well in the end-- if you act like a douchebag and attract girls like that, what does it say about the girls themselves? And what does it say about you for wanting to attract chicks like that??
What kind of qualities are you looking for in a woman?? YOU are the one making the choice, so please don't make the mistake of preening just so a woman comes to you-- be proactive about that shit and go out and get what you want! You have great qualities, so when you do find the right type of women I don't think it should be too hard overall
That said..... you can still be kind and tactful while being selective about what you want-- no dickishness necessary. The good womens will pick up on it