Well since it's been a week I should probably update. As for my friend that was killed last weekend, they caught the guy shortly after I wrote my last blog, and he's sitting in jail now with his bail set at half-a-mil on 2nd degree murder charges. I hope someone makes him their prison bitch and he gets the shit kicked out of him.
With that happening it messed with my whole week. I didn't sleep much at all during the week Work was just abysmal. We would go from busy to just totally dead back to really busy. For whatever reason that is much more stressful to me than just being steady. The plus side of all of that was they sent me home paid Wednesday afternoon, which really never happens. So I took advantage of it and finally got a couch at Goodwill in Ahwahtukee for a smokin deal! I finally have somewhere to sit...funny how you miss the simple things like that. The cat's pretty happy to have somewhere to sit too, but refuses to sit on the blanket I have out for him haha..
Anyways...with that happening, I had a really good night on Wednesday and subsequently an amazing day at work on Thursday
. Definitely was the highlight of my week.
Thursday and Friday I just kinda chilled with my buddy Tyler, although we did go out for a few with one of his buddies up in Scottsdale. Not really my scene usually, but it was the bar-part of Scottsdale, not the club-part of Scottsdale...if that makes any sense haha. It was a nice change of pace.
Saturday was rough...I was hungover and had to help a buddy move in the morning, then I had the funeral that afternoon. There were a lot of people there. It was just really a testament to how someone who was only 25 had such an impact on so many lives. It's even harder for his family, because they lost his mom to cancer only a couple of years ago. He was such a good guy, and for him to be killed over something so stupid like this...it's just not right. Anyways after that I really wasn't in the mood too much, so a couple of friends came over after changing from the funeral to drink and talk about the good old times. I think between that and the funeral it helped me move on a little bit. RIP Jereme...I'm gonna miss you bro.
I'm just looking forward to next week being a short week Monday-Wednesday, and Thanksgiving with friends. What're your big plans?
With that happening it messed with my whole week. I didn't sleep much at all during the week Work was just abysmal. We would go from busy to just totally dead back to really busy. For whatever reason that is much more stressful to me than just being steady. The plus side of all of that was they sent me home paid Wednesday afternoon, which really never happens. So I took advantage of it and finally got a couch at Goodwill in Ahwahtukee for a smokin deal! I finally have somewhere to sit...funny how you miss the simple things like that. The cat's pretty happy to have somewhere to sit too, but refuses to sit on the blanket I have out for him haha..
Anyways...with that happening, I had a really good night on Wednesday and subsequently an amazing day at work on Thursday

Thursday and Friday I just kinda chilled with my buddy Tyler, although we did go out for a few with one of his buddies up in Scottsdale. Not really my scene usually, but it was the bar-part of Scottsdale, not the club-part of Scottsdale...if that makes any sense haha. It was a nice change of pace.
Saturday was rough...I was hungover and had to help a buddy move in the morning, then I had the funeral that afternoon. There were a lot of people there. It was just really a testament to how someone who was only 25 had such an impact on so many lives. It's even harder for his family, because they lost his mom to cancer only a couple of years ago. He was such a good guy, and for him to be killed over something so stupid like this...it's just not right. Anyways after that I really wasn't in the mood too much, so a couple of friends came over after changing from the funeral to drink and talk about the good old times. I think between that and the funeral it helped me move on a little bit. RIP Jereme...I'm gonna miss you bro.
I'm just looking forward to next week being a short week Monday-Wednesday, and Thanksgiving with friends. What're your big plans?
Thanksgiving should be good, having people over my house. What are your turkey day plans?