I'm stuck in a rut...I'm not sure if it's the fact that I've been sitting at home so much, but I've had way too much time on my hands to think. I don't know why really...maybe it's because I never deal with things when they happen, and just let them boil up inside of me until I can't deal with it anymore. Packing stuff up and cleaning for moving I keep coming across things that trigger these feelings too. I think all this time has me just over-analyzing everything when I should be enjoying the fact that I've got some time off of work, surgery induced or not, haha
Everything's feeling a bit better, it's really only the big incision that still hurts when I move around, but I've finally been able to sleep on my stomach, so I've slept better finally haha
. The good news is I get the staples out tomorrow morning, so hopefully that will make things more comfortable.
I finally got out of the house last night for the first time in a week and went to hang out w/Inara at her bar for a couple hours and met one of her friends. That was fun, except for the clothes part, lol. Pants are uncomfortable cuz they sit right on top of my incision and my gut is still a bit swollen. I'm not really supposed to be driving yet, but I'm glad I made the exception. It was fun stuff

Everything's feeling a bit better, it's really only the big incision that still hurts when I move around, but I've finally been able to sleep on my stomach, so I've slept better finally haha

I finally got out of the house last night for the first time in a week and went to hang out w/Inara at her bar for a couple hours and met one of her friends. That was fun, except for the clothes part, lol. Pants are uncomfortable cuz they sit right on top of my incision and my gut is still a bit swollen. I'm not really supposed to be driving yet, but I'm glad I made the exception. It was fun stuff

I always wanted green eyes, but I got brownies with yellow/green rings in 'em
With my hair I've only ever really been able to do different shades of brown-- anything even remotely dirty blonde would never work 'cos...
I'm actually a ginger
Eyebrows and eyelashes are blonde
I really want something like this:
but the black and brown I have now would be a bitch to try and bleach out
You're a tummy sleeper too?? Very nice
And screw the pants-- I hear these are much more fashionable nowadays:
Glad to see someone else taking the time to learn about what's going on.