So I shaved my head again....or at least cut it really short. Going for the David Beckham look I guess. I got tired of messing with it every morning and the chick who normally cuts my hair is out of town for the next two weeks, so it's all her fault really, hahaha. Anyways, yah it's much to come.
More Blogs
Saturday Nov 29, 2008
Short and sweet this time...had a crazy Thanksgiving w/my dad's side … -
Sunday Nov 23, 2008
Well since it's been a week I should probably update. As for my frie… -
Sunday Nov 16, 2008
A friend of mine that I used to work with got killed in a bar not far… -
Wednesday Nov 12, 2008
So now I have extra time to post more so I'm gonna, haha. Apparently… -
Tuesday Nov 11, 2008
I have the internet again!!! That is all...for now -
Friday Nov 07, 2008
Still don't have internet yet ....not too thrilled with that. Hopefu… -
Tuesday Oct 28, 2008
Sorry...I'm gonna rant a little bit... I'm not really sure why this … -
Monday Oct 20, 2008
I'm stuck in a rut...I'm not sure if it's the fact that I've been sit… -
Tuesday Oct 14, 2008
Sooo that pain I'd been having in my side? Yah that turned into appe… -
Tuesday Oct 07, 2008
Sooo I've had this weird pain in my right side the last 3 days and I …
i'm already attached to her, it's going to be so hard to give her to the shelter.
at least it's going to be the east valley no kill shelter. she's worth the drive.
she's too sweet to not find an owner.