Those of you in and around the GTA might have heard about the case of Paton "Pat" Weir last week. He was the 63 year old man who went fishing near Port Credit in Mississauga. He called his family on the way out from the marina but was never heard from again. His boat was later found empty near Stoney Creek, Ontario. Pat Weir was my mom's cousin, and my second cousin. His body was found floating in Lake Ontario yesterday afternoon, about 2 kilometres from the marina. I only met him once in my life at a family reunion, but you could tell what a great man he was. A former police officer, Pat was also a loving father. If you could, keep his family in your thoughts. This past week was hell for them, but with the discovery of his body, there is some closure.
Pulse 24 Story

Pulse 24 Story
sorry if i sounded bitchy, i am just tired
i just woke up, i liked talking to you last night, keep in touch