Well the week from hell slowly continues ... I have now pulled my parents into the fray. Had two major arguments in two days ... and from my point of view - they were both started over needless things. Sometimes lately I'm just feeling utterly lost and confused.
I'm very thankful for all my SG friends helping me out always ... but pretty soon (the middle of April in fact) I will lose my regular access to SG (when I hand my laptop back into the college). I will be able to occasionally check into SG to read comments and check our journals - but it won't be back to a regular occurence until the start of the school year in September. Well I guess the good thing is I still have three more weeks until I lose access.
One big favour to ask of all you - go to pigletx69's page and leave hugs. Shes gone through a lot lately and they would help. Take it a step further and make her one of your friends - she's a one of a kind friend, believe me.

One big favour to ask of all you - go to pigletx69's page and leave hugs. Shes gone through a lot lately and they would help. Take it a step further and make her one of your friends - she's a one of a kind friend, believe me.

Aww, man. Feel better soon.
