So we're down to less than 24 hours to D - Day. Our magazine is at the printers and will be ready to be picked up tomorrow. I just can't wait until we're done handing them out ... then this past week of stress will be a thing of the past. Things are off to a good start ... we covered all our printing costs so we stayed out of debt after one issue.
Hope everyone is well - sorry about the lack of updates but I've been sick and this magazine was all I worked on in my free time.
Edit: Tra:Vis is out on campus and the response was amazing. Our faculty loved it, the associate deans loved it, the man who runs our newspaper loved it and wants to add it to the course next year. Our student union president thought the layout was amazing. And the faculty union president is going to give us scoops ... and help us land stories before the paper does. We're going to take a step back and celebrate on Monday. Also found out I made the dean's list today and have been invited to be a member of the Dean's Student Council. I get a free dinner out of it at least.
Posted the Saint Paddy's Pics ...

Edit: Tra:Vis is out on campus and the response was amazing. Our faculty loved it, the associate deans loved it, the man who runs our newspaper loved it and wants to add it to the course next year. Our student union president thought the layout was amazing. And the faculty union president is going to give us scoops ... and help us land stories before the paper does. We're going to take a step back and celebrate on Monday. Also found out I made the dean's list today and have been invited to be a member of the Dean's Student Council. I get a free dinner out of it at least.

Posted the Saint Paddy's Pics ...
Thats so awesome sweetie!!!!!
I hope things are going well!!

i am doing well. suprised to hear from you. looks like you are doing well also. don't be a stranger.