So it turns out that the Newspaper at my college is NOT the problem. It's the administration that bumped the enrollment from 60 students to 170 in the past four years. The administration that didn't put any extra funding into the program or create room for the extra writers. But rather than sit and mope ... we're moving full steam ahead with plans for our own student run magazine. The target has now changed - we're now going to work with the paper once we get off the ground. And if this works we'll leave the magazine behind for future generations. If any of you are interested we're looking for advertisers. We're planning to write as a monthly publication - and a quarter page ad (we're working on tabloid size paper - 11x17) will cost $50.
I came up with our name. We left the name Sheridan out of our name to avoid conflict. We're now TRAVIS (magazine). That stands for TRAfalgar daVIS - the two Sheridan College campuses. Here's hoping we succeed and don't crash and burn. Wish us well
Temp of 101 degrees, my whole body aches, and I'm a step away from coughing up a lung - good time to viist my doctor?
I came up with our name. We left the name Sheridan out of our name to avoid conflict. We're now TRAVIS (magazine). That stands for TRAfalgar daVIS - the two Sheridan College campuses. Here's hoping we succeed and don't crash and burn. Wish us well
Temp of 101 degrees, my whole body aches, and I'm a step away from coughing up a lung - good time to viist my doctor?
Where you been sweetie?? Haven't heard from you in awhile
thank you for the birthday wishes- hope all is with you