Just in case you didn't know I have to tell you all that I'm the biggest hockey fan. I love my Maple Leafs. But as most of you know, the NHL (National Hockey League) has been on a lockout since last September. Well in 24 hours I'll either be leaving one of these
cause the lockout is over and hockey is back or one of there:
cause the season is cancelled and I'll have to wait until September for my hockey fix.
I guess I'm just tired of multi-million dollar athletes and owners holding the fans of the game hostage. When it comes down to it, these people are paid to play a game. They make tonnes more than people who do society a service: police, firemen, paramedics, doctors, teachers etc. The worst hockey players in the NHL still make a few hundred thousand dollars + while the average salary is somewhere around $1.5 million. And what is holding up negotiations?? The fact the owners want a salary cap. I'm sorry, but where are the players who play for the love of the game and not the love of the money??
I just have no respect for these athletes anymore. The way they act they might as well be on a street corner somewhere with a sign that reads:
Unemployed multi-million dollar athlete. Need $$$$ to finance home, 3 cars, boat, wife, $100000 monthly shopping habit, 3 kids and stock options. Please help!
There you go ... vent done.
Posted a new/old pic yesterday.
... no laughing at it ok?

I guess I'm just tired of multi-million dollar athletes and owners holding the fans of the game hostage. When it comes down to it, these people are paid to play a game. They make tonnes more than people who do society a service: police, firemen, paramedics, doctors, teachers etc. The worst hockey players in the NHL still make a few hundred thousand dollars + while the average salary is somewhere around $1.5 million. And what is holding up negotiations?? The fact the owners want a salary cap. I'm sorry, but where are the players who play for the love of the game and not the love of the money??

I just have no respect for these athletes anymore. The way they act they might as well be on a street corner somewhere with a sign that reads:
Unemployed multi-million dollar athlete. Need $$$$ to finance home, 3 cars, boat, wife, $100000 monthly shopping habit, 3 kids and stock options. Please help!
There you go ... vent done.
Posted a new/old pic yesterday.

I agree with you 100% on the athlete wage issue, I was thinking the same thing earlier today.