14 days until the most amazing woman arrives in my life ... I can't wait ... she is always on my mind 24/7. I'll be camping out at the airport to meet her. Already looking at what we'll do when we hang out ... I'm taking her on that trip to Niagara Falls that she's always wanted to go on. I'm taking her to the CN Tower ... the Eaton Centre ... and maybe a concert or play. God these will be the greatest days of my life by far ...
Countdown to whitewidow's arrival 14 days, 14 hours
Countdown to whitewidow's arrival 14 days, 14 hours

I liked it when I went to niagara falls. I went at 3am one time when I was living in Erie PA. Its a bit weird when you go only with what you are wearing (if its a corset, skirt, knee high boots and a sweatshirtjacket.... especially in the winter aftera semi formal at college.) but I went with the idea of being there a short time... not a day and a half. But I had a blast at that surprise from my boyfriend at the time. I did fall in love with this butterfly conservatory. Its gorgeous and its nice and warm there. so i got to pretend it wasn't winter. It was so gorgeous there. I did so much that day. I will never forget it. but I am a stupid romantic sometimes......

yay! have fun! the airport is a super fun place to sleep in.