So, as always, I end up going on here looking at pictures, lurking on a few people's profile, and leaving. Figured I would update again so it looks as though I really do come here now and again.....going to get acupuncture and a massage today...been feeling like shit for no good reason, so hopefully this will help. My doctor probably thinks I am a hypochondriac as she just wants to put me on meds for anxiety. I took a Xanax last night and it made me feel like even more poop. I am only 31; clearly, I should not feel like I am 70. I hate this. I am too tired to do anything. I know it will pass, but as of know it sucks. See, either I don't write or I just complain. Hah!

seriously though when i get board i go to yoga. it fills time and works the body.