....I think if I do not get a job soon I am going to lose my mind. Who knew the job market was so shitty and that my degrees and experience are worthless, for the most part. Perhaps I had no accurate conceptions of the "real" job market, since I worked in bars most of my life.... I can't even go back to graduate school until next year if I wanted too, which at this point seems the only way to make myself marketable. Nor can I sell the part of my brain that wasted one semester in graduate school....what a lousy business investment that was (15, 000...byebye). I wish I coulkd enjoy all this freedom and free time, but I am worried I am going to end up taking a job that makes me miserable.....thems the breaks, I guess. I can't even get a bartending job in NJ because I have no connections here...although I have a few low cut shirts.....hmmm....ok, that's my rant for the day.....back to the job search...blek!
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Tuesday Aug 24, 2004
I am 300 dollars away from taking a job that is going to make me mise… -
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