Rant: On my top five things that I can't stand...here is #2 on the list (after judgemental people)....the word slut...and using it to refer to a girl who is proud of her sexuality...whatthefuck....once again, on Myspace I have noticed a rash of girls who refer to other girls as sluts because of pictures they've posted or based on very little real knowledge of who these girls REALLY are...I mean what thefuck is a slut anyway...someone who enjoys sex and feels good about their body and their sexuality......here we have a group of little whiny babies trying to take us back 50 years... if I had one wish it would be to line these girls up and bitchslap them with a leather glove one by one..UGHHH!
89 and still so hot
hee hee hee I hope I look like that at 89! wow! Im only 36.. a baby!