It's making us all so miserable.
**Depression is a funny thing really. I told my boss a few months ago how I'd rather lose a limb than suffer depression. He agreed.. I think while it has shaped me into the person you see before you there are better ways at going about it.
***I've cut most of my friends out of my life. We no longer connect, they don't see it that way but fuck them.
****I need a holiday.
I need to tidy my room, it's a mess. It's all gotten out of control, just like everything else.
*****I will convince Robert to move to Paris and take me with him.
******I love that song, the Time is Now because it is...

Because I may never get over it
Last night I watched Stigmata. It's such a stupid film. I don't believe stigmata is ever real, I think it's either a clever hoax or people are so demented they think they really are suffering the wounds of Christ which they are not. But it did clarify my stance on the whole subject of God. She kept saying in Arameic "The Kingdom of God is within you and not in mansions" and it is, if you want it. If not that's YOUR BUSINESS but if you do, it's there and I want it...
I also do not believe anywhere in the bible is says Homosexuals can never get married by law!
Where does it say that?? NOWHERE that's where. I'm so sick of HOMOPHOBES hiding behind the bible and religion and God. At this stage of the game the Church is fooling no one, we are all aware the church is really what is wrong today.
Okay, gotta fly.