So today, well just 26 minutes ago it was my friend Tara's birthday, she was 24 whole years of age and for a short period during the year she was under the impression she had infact already turned 24 and was awaiting 25 but I set her straight.
Kenneth and I went to the health and vitality show in the RDS today and this woman walked into me and knocked my bag off my shoulder. I realise I was in the way looking for my lost dart ticket (which I found on the way home! "God" WAS with me today) but the path was massive, she had copious amounts of space to manouvre. And I yelled at her, because I have HAD IT with people walking into me and thinking its fine to be fucking careful and the LOOK! if looks could kill so I shot that cunt a look of my own and ruined her fucking day!!! She was going to the holiday show, well I hope her flight to Turkey crashes into the sea and she is only one to perish.
Kenneth and I did a scientoloy (that doesn't look spelt right at all, now) stress test and I haven't been too stressed out lately, just I get a little worried I might get arrested by the bank police and such but that goes away after a few minutes. We were standing there at the stand and there were all these people parting with money and Kenneth and I loudly maintained we would not be spending a cent at this stand and we took the piss and I acted out the whole scientology episode of South Park and sang all of R.Kellys lines and everything, and the scientology crew heard the whole thing but said nothing.
Eventually, our time came for the test and the guy who was French, incidently asked me to remove all my jewellary and leave it on the table beside me to which I replied "will they all be safe there?" and he just stared, blankly at me, as if not really comprehending that he is the last person I trust.
Basically what goes down with this test is, you have a little box that has two large buttons, a dial and a meter and you hold these two tin can like objects that are connected to this machine by wires. jewellary fucks with it all, just like in a hospital (although my brother don't care a jot for that kind of thi *90ngo0-Richard did this, I'm leaving it in for the purposes of bonding later in our lives* ng).
So I'm holding these things and feeling quite giddy and all the scientologists look the same, all bald and school teacherish, like all the male teachers in my school.
The guy asks me my name, shakes my hand asks about my day and tell him. I didn't tell him about that woman or my lost dart ticket.
He says to me "think of some things that have stressed you out in the last few months" so I think and I think and we both watch the meter and the dial and it moves back and forth franticlly until it races and stops abruptly at the very end of the meter which is VERY STRESSED OUT!!!! and he looks at me and laughs sympatheticly and says "tell me about that period" so I go on telling him about London and how it was all abit all over the place and we're both still watching the dial which has swung to the stress-free side of the meter and I realise I was never really that panicked in London and I start laughing and telling him all the exciting things I got up to in London and I ramble on heartily about my pregnancy scare and my landlady and when I was violently ill and being locked out of Daisy's for ages and he saw I was enjoying the chat so he said "tell me about another thing that is troubling you" so I stopped and told him about the fight I had with my mum last night and the dial stayed where it was and he said ANYTHING ELSE and I went on about my debt and my maxed out credit card and it still didn't move and I said "huh! funny, I must not be that stressed after all" and he said "well, no how did you feel after you mother told you to sort yourself out or leave" and I said I was fine, I knew she didn't mean it she was just angry but she has no right to continue saying this to me and he asked does she ever put you down and at this point I felt he was fishing for things to upset me and was getting a little personal but I told him she no longer did after I told her not to (we had had a massive fight and I told her she was a bully and a bad parent, which she is and if she continued bullying me I'd leave and she would never see me again and she advanced then I pushed her and she fell and started crying and I left...) and the dial moved abit and he said "oh, you are quite stressed. I have some books that can help you" and he showed me these two leaflets and one was about sorting emotional problems and he advised I get this because I seem to be "emotionally destroyed" and it would help me alot and the other was a guide to attaining life goals. He also told me to call him to tell him how I am getting on after I had read them so I said fine.................................................................................................................................
and then he said "that will be 10 euro" and I looked at him and I said "WHAT?!" and he said "that will be teee.." and I said "but they are just leaflets" and he said "BOOKLETS!" and I said "well, I tell you what we'll do. I'll go off and come back later and get them on the way out" and he had the ballsack to ask me if I had a credit card to pay him for the leaflets so I got up put on my jewellary and went over to Kenneth who was trying to get out of buying a DVD for 30euro!!!
Never in all my life!!
I dropped the mug Carol gave me on our hard wood floor in the sitting room. It didn't break. It must be a sign. Last night, Kenneth pointed out she didn't ask me a single question. Not about christmas or new year even though I asked her.
All day after I had lost my dart ticket I kept getting phantom dart ticket and for weeks I have had phantom lip ring..
I was asking Richard which South Park character he would be but he couldn't go with the obvious Jimmy or Timmy and he said he would be Buttons. and I said "Buttons, right........ who is Buttons?" and he said the blonde one, the one Paris Hilton wanted to buy and I said "okay, BUTTONS is his name, I see. Funny that, I always called him BUTTERS!! I wish someone had corrected me!".
Richard cannot stop calling him buttons. Help him.
I was asking Kenneth, Kenneth would be Butters. I said in the taxi that I would be Stan because he is funny and smart and cute and I am all of those things and Emma called me big headed!
but really I would be awesomo... HA!!! to Richard's BUTTONS!!!
I am going to bed.
So, the other day I went for this interview, right and I was told it was just a run-of-the-mill job with a switchboard and some irate customers but mostly everyone would be fine but in the interview it was a whole other talk show and they said to me "No, Suzanne its actually a position for accounts manager. More money, responsibility, just MORE" and I said "Right!"...
So away we went with the interview and although I felt I made an impression, I didn't think I had done all that well until my recruitment officer called me today to tell me the managers had loved me and wanted to offer me the job because I would be perfect!!!! can you believe it?? I am SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!! I wanted it more then you could imagine and now I have it!!!
Kenneth and I went to the health and vitality show in the RDS today and this woman walked into me and knocked my bag off my shoulder. I realise I was in the way looking for my lost dart ticket (which I found on the way home! "God" WAS with me today) but the path was massive, she had copious amounts of space to manouvre. And I yelled at her, because I have HAD IT with people walking into me and thinking its fine to be fucking careful and the LOOK! if looks could kill so I shot that cunt a look of my own and ruined her fucking day!!! She was going to the holiday show, well I hope her flight to Turkey crashes into the sea and she is only one to perish.
Kenneth and I did a scientoloy (that doesn't look spelt right at all, now) stress test and I haven't been too stressed out lately, just I get a little worried I might get arrested by the bank police and such but that goes away after a few minutes. We were standing there at the stand and there were all these people parting with money and Kenneth and I loudly maintained we would not be spending a cent at this stand and we took the piss and I acted out the whole scientology episode of South Park and sang all of R.Kellys lines and everything, and the scientology crew heard the whole thing but said nothing.
Eventually, our time came for the test and the guy who was French, incidently asked me to remove all my jewellary and leave it on the table beside me to which I replied "will they all be safe there?" and he just stared, blankly at me, as if not really comprehending that he is the last person I trust.
Basically what goes down with this test is, you have a little box that has two large buttons, a dial and a meter and you hold these two tin can like objects that are connected to this machine by wires. jewellary fucks with it all, just like in a hospital (although my brother don't care a jot for that kind of thi *90ngo0-Richard did this, I'm leaving it in for the purposes of bonding later in our lives* ng).
So I'm holding these things and feeling quite giddy and all the scientologists look the same, all bald and school teacherish, like all the male teachers in my school.
The guy asks me my name, shakes my hand asks about my day and tell him. I didn't tell him about that woman or my lost dart ticket.
He says to me "think of some things that have stressed you out in the last few months" so I think and I think and we both watch the meter and the dial and it moves back and forth franticlly until it races and stops abruptly at the very end of the meter which is VERY STRESSED OUT!!!! and he looks at me and laughs sympatheticly and says "tell me about that period" so I go on telling him about London and how it was all abit all over the place and we're both still watching the dial which has swung to the stress-free side of the meter and I realise I was never really that panicked in London and I start laughing and telling him all the exciting things I got up to in London and I ramble on heartily about my pregnancy scare and my landlady and when I was violently ill and being locked out of Daisy's for ages and he saw I was enjoying the chat so he said "tell me about another thing that is troubling you" so I stopped and told him about the fight I had with my mum last night and the dial stayed where it was and he said ANYTHING ELSE and I went on about my debt and my maxed out credit card and it still didn't move and I said "huh! funny, I must not be that stressed after all" and he said "well, no how did you feel after you mother told you to sort yourself out or leave" and I said I was fine, I knew she didn't mean it she was just angry but she has no right to continue saying this to me and he asked does she ever put you down and at this point I felt he was fishing for things to upset me and was getting a little personal but I told him she no longer did after I told her not to (we had had a massive fight and I told her she was a bully and a bad parent, which she is and if she continued bullying me I'd leave and she would never see me again and she advanced then I pushed her and she fell and started crying and I left...) and the dial moved abit and he said "oh, you are quite stressed. I have some books that can help you" and he showed me these two leaflets and one was about sorting emotional problems and he advised I get this because I seem to be "emotionally destroyed" and it would help me alot and the other was a guide to attaining life goals. He also told me to call him to tell him how I am getting on after I had read them so I said fine.................................................................................................................................
and then he said "that will be 10 euro" and I looked at him and I said "WHAT?!" and he said "that will be teee.." and I said "but they are just leaflets" and he said "BOOKLETS!" and I said "well, I tell you what we'll do. I'll go off and come back later and get them on the way out" and he had the ballsack to ask me if I had a credit card to pay him for the leaflets so I got up put on my jewellary and went over to Kenneth who was trying to get out of buying a DVD for 30euro!!!
Never in all my life!!
I dropped the mug Carol gave me on our hard wood floor in the sitting room. It didn't break. It must be a sign. Last night, Kenneth pointed out she didn't ask me a single question. Not about christmas or new year even though I asked her.
All day after I had lost my dart ticket I kept getting phantom dart ticket and for weeks I have had phantom lip ring..
I was asking Richard which South Park character he would be but he couldn't go with the obvious Jimmy or Timmy and he said he would be Buttons. and I said "Buttons, right........ who is Buttons?" and he said the blonde one, the one Paris Hilton wanted to buy and I said "okay, BUTTONS is his name, I see. Funny that, I always called him BUTTERS!! I wish someone had corrected me!".
Richard cannot stop calling him buttons. Help him.
I was asking Kenneth, Kenneth would be Butters. I said in the taxi that I would be Stan because he is funny and smart and cute and I am all of those things and Emma called me big headed!
but really I would be awesomo... HA!!! to Richard's BUTTONS!!!
I am going to bed.

So, the other day I went for this interview, right and I was told it was just a run-of-the-mill job with a switchboard and some irate customers but mostly everyone would be fine but in the interview it was a whole other talk show and they said to me "No, Suzanne its actually a position for accounts manager. More money, responsibility, just MORE" and I said "Right!"...
So away we went with the interview and although I felt I made an impression, I didn't think I had done all that well until my recruitment officer called me today to tell me the managers had loved me and wanted to offer me the job because I would be perfect!!!! can you believe it?? I am SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!! I wanted it more then you could imagine and now I have it!!!
oh and in other news your man Mister Kenedy shoud be champ that fucker batista won grr
hope all is well with you