S'up Crew...
I had the weirdest dream the other day that I shan't go into for matters only I need be aware of but it freaked me out no end. It was all done as if an Edward Hopper painting.
When I get my ipod, GUESS who I'm putting on it first...
Yes, don't pretend you didn't hear me.
Elizabeth is gone to Barthalona today. She worries her 300 euro worth of Clinque face care products will be confiscated at customs. I would be too if I was her.
Last night I went to Sean's for Rosanne's birthday dinner and I haven't seen Brian since my birthday, he was not very nice to me. But he now has a girlfriend he is quite serious about which is good because he will stop being a cunt to all of my guy friends.
I found out about it before christmas but Rosanne went out of her way to make sure I didn't find out. I wish she wouldn't, I'm not a child, I can take it but mostly I don't care.
And last night he was talking about her and for some reason, I do not know I got a little... jealous is not the word... put out maybe. Yes, see now things are finally finished with Brian and I and that is that....
That whole thing with Brian was so toxic anyway so I was glad when I did realise a long time ago I was over him and I was just fucking WITH (NOT just fucking) him because I could, because he would give in and take it and now.... ... NOW..... .....
But I'll tell you honestly what the problem is... while she is quite attractive, she is not as pretty as I am. I hate it when guys I've scored score someone after me who is uglier . I find it quite insulting. LIke they actually think she is BETTER LOOKING THEN ME!!!! seriously, I couldn't care less just as long as my replacement is hotter then me... .... ...... ....
I trust you all believe me. I am not hung up on Brian. If you saw him, now to be fair to myself and those who came after him. I can and HAVE done better... I just wish he had...
Later m'loves...
And I have Brand New tickets...
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