My plans for the evening include..........................................................................
I am going to cut my hair...
...Yes I fucking am.
I have done this a million times before so don't bother wishing me luck. Luck is never on my side or the nine year old test would have said No. Anyway, it needs cutting and I can't afford/JUST DON'T WANT to pay 55 euro plus tip for a hair cut when I can hack away at it myself...
It will be short enough but not so I look like a boy and choppy but not so wild I can't fufill my dreams of becoming a receptionist.
I have this top that I was sick on a few months ago that was washed and I went to put it on for the first time in months the other day and there was still sick on it, on the sleeve. How did that happen? 'bolloks' I thought to myself 'that really is a kick in pants' but it was so, so soft... funny that.
I also lost my favourite ring that my dad gave me just hours before I puked up EVERYWHERE!! and because of where I lost it, I don't feel so bad. I've lost it many times before. I lost it once on my way to college and I was devestated. I did cry and then I found it on my way home, outside my neighbours house. But I am at ease with it being gone forever this time.
Jesus this song is starting to get on wick...
two shakes m'love...
Roger is amazing. He says 'What up'.
SG is so shit. It really is crap. Why do they think this layout is better? Its stupid.
I like that new Nokia ad. The one where they played one song to all these people and then gave them one phone call and most of them called home. Over 900 people said I love you to someone and only 600 and something said it back. Isn't that awful?
I wouldn't have called home I don't think, I know who I would have called but I wouldn't have told him I loved him...
That would be unneccesary. I would tell him I miss him though...
I must dash. I've spent most of the day in the bathroom.
I had something else to say but I have forgotten it now...
I am going to cut my hair...
...Yes I fucking am.
I have done this a million times before so don't bother wishing me luck. Luck is never on my side or the nine year old test would have said No. Anyway, it needs cutting and I can't afford/JUST DON'T WANT to pay 55 euro plus tip for a hair cut when I can hack away at it myself...
It will be short enough but not so I look like a boy and choppy but not so wild I can't fufill my dreams of becoming a receptionist.
I have this top that I was sick on a few months ago that was washed and I went to put it on for the first time in months the other day and there was still sick on it, on the sleeve. How did that happen? 'bolloks' I thought to myself 'that really is a kick in pants' but it was so, so soft... funny that.
I also lost my favourite ring that my dad gave me just hours before I puked up EVERYWHERE!! and because of where I lost it, I don't feel so bad. I've lost it many times before. I lost it once on my way to college and I was devestated. I did cry and then I found it on my way home, outside my neighbours house. But I am at ease with it being gone forever this time.
Jesus this song is starting to get on wick...
two shakes m'love...
Roger is amazing. He says 'What up'.
SG is so shit. It really is crap. Why do they think this layout is better? Its stupid.
I like that new Nokia ad. The one where they played one song to all these people and then gave them one phone call and most of them called home. Over 900 people said I love you to someone and only 600 and something said it back. Isn't that awful?
I wouldn't have called home I don't think, I know who I would have called but I wouldn't have told him I loved him...
That would be unneccesary. I would tell him I miss him though...
I must dash. I've spent most of the day in the bathroom.
I had something else to say but I have forgotten it now...

you spent most of the day in the bathroom WTF?