This is the story of a boy called Liam, who works in dear to my heart TNS and his main function is data entry and he whispers it when he tells people and he is so ashamed or trying to sound sexy, one or the other... he succeeds at both.
And he has the most amazing taste in clothes and food and spectecles but probably not films or music and he carries around Bret Easton Ellis and Grame Green to look cool and sophisticated but he would never read them, too much emotion and too much death, but he relates to Patrick Bateman when he talks about suits and trendy things... He has great taste in women because he loves women who look like him and he loves himself and
And during the summer, I would see him out and about with girls who were blond and pretty and I would hide because I was supposed to be in work and he wouldn't tell anyone he saw me, I just didn't want him to know and the girls would be checking Liam out and Liam would be checking Liam out in the reflection of windows, buses, cars and any mirror or relfective surface he could find, but it's worth it, he is LIAM after all...
I hope that Liam will not be doing data entry forever, for he is better than that and I hope he finds someone who is prettier than he so he can check them out instead of himself and maybe Liam should try something other than a blond who loves him and how he looks and all his bad language and his dirty mouth, prehaps he and others of his ilk should marry a SuicideGirl. I think they would be much better off if they did...
And he has the most amazing taste in clothes and food and spectecles but probably not films or music and he carries around Bret Easton Ellis and Grame Green to look cool and sophisticated but he would never read them, too much emotion and too much death, but he relates to Patrick Bateman when he talks about suits and trendy things... He has great taste in women because he loves women who look like him and he loves himself and
And during the summer, I would see him out and about with girls who were blond and pretty and I would hide because I was supposed to be in work and he wouldn't tell anyone he saw me, I just didn't want him to know and the girls would be checking Liam out and Liam would be checking Liam out in the reflection of windows, buses, cars and any mirror or relfective surface he could find, but it's worth it, he is LIAM after all...
I hope that Liam will not be doing data entry forever, for he is better than that and I hope he finds someone who is prettier than he so he can check them out instead of himself and maybe Liam should try something other than a blond who loves him and how he looks and all his bad language and his dirty mouth, prehaps he and others of his ilk should marry a SuicideGirl. I think they would be much better off if they did...
Happy New Year to you too, I hope you have had a happy and safe festive season. As for Liam all I can say is I'm envious, not cause hes good looking and pulls the girls, but cause he has you attention, fool that he is.
Nice you got your own busness.As one of your friends i'm am very proud to say i knew you when.Don't forget the little people.So what are you gonna make