"This cat is on a hot tin roof
Drinking that whiskey
96 proof..."
'Bout sums up my feelings for the approaching weekend. What to do...what to do? After all, Friday is BroNight. So dragging all the attached/married buddies out is always a chore. But it's fucking BroNight! How can they refuse?!
Unfortunately, ShinyDemon and I are the only ones who think like rockstars...the rest of 'em, well, what a bunch of wet fucking blankets.
We're gonna trash some hotel rooms!!!
Or at least leave a big mess at the Round Table Pizza salad bar.
Drinking that whiskey
96 proof..."
'Bout sums up my feelings for the approaching weekend. What to do...what to do? After all, Friday is BroNight. So dragging all the attached/married buddies out is always a chore. But it's fucking BroNight! How can they refuse?!
Unfortunately, ShinyDemon and I are the only ones who think like rockstars...the rest of 'em, well, what a bunch of wet fucking blankets.
We're gonna trash some hotel rooms!!!
Or at least leave a big mess at the Round Table Pizza salad bar.