Bike update...
'71 Trump is back together. New top end. Started up second kick. Not bad. Still have to d a shakedown run. Took it around the neighborhood and I'm getting a little spit back in the carbs. Tuning time.
'79 clutch sorted...again. Had the 7-plate kit in there and didn't like it. Clutch slip at the higher RPMs and adjusting it didn't solve anything. Put the stock plates back in, and we'll see how she does on the ride to work tomorrow.
'64 Norton has a mysterious oil leak that I fear may be a head gasket. Man, I hope not. And the tach drive is leaking. And the gearbox, but shit, those are "Norton charm." Still need to do a compression check to see if it is indeed the head gasket.
'65 T-Bird needs a power steering line that I'm too lazy to order.
The best part about old shit--cars and bikes--is the wrenching. Sure, they're a blast to ride and drive. But it's those hours in the garage just getting dirty that are 90% of the appeal. You go into this Zen mode. Ain't nothing but you and the machine. Nice.
Don't get me wrong, I love sitting on the couch with Smalls. But sometimes it's nice to escape mentally.
Case in point: We were driving on Sunday when this SUV passes us. Taped to the back is a "Yes on Prop 8" yard sign. Smalls flips him off. I give him the thumbs down as we pass him at the light. But damn if this bag of dicks didn't ruin my Sunday. Smalls, too. Just thinking that in the fucking Bay Area...there are still religious wingnuts who want to deny people their rights in the name of whatever fucking twisted Judeo-Christian off-shoot they follow.
I wanted to tell that guy in the SUV that "marriage predates Christianity. It wasn't until the mid-1500s at the Council of Trent that the Catholic Church decided it was going to get into the marriage business and proclaim that all marriages must be sanctified by the Church.
Prior to that, you didn't have to get married by a priest. You didn't even have to have any witnesses. It was literally, "you wanna?" Done.
But I have a feeling all that would have been lost on SUV guy.
Funny how conservatives are all about keeping the government out of their business...but want to cram it in your bedroom and in your uterus.
So vote No on Prop 8. Fuck that proposition. Fuck it right in the mouth.

'71 Trump is back together. New top end. Started up second kick. Not bad. Still have to d a shakedown run. Took it around the neighborhood and I'm getting a little spit back in the carbs. Tuning time.
'79 clutch sorted...again. Had the 7-plate kit in there and didn't like it. Clutch slip at the higher RPMs and adjusting it didn't solve anything. Put the stock plates back in, and we'll see how she does on the ride to work tomorrow.
'64 Norton has a mysterious oil leak that I fear may be a head gasket. Man, I hope not. And the tach drive is leaking. And the gearbox, but shit, those are "Norton charm." Still need to do a compression check to see if it is indeed the head gasket.
'65 T-Bird needs a power steering line that I'm too lazy to order.
The best part about old shit--cars and bikes--is the wrenching. Sure, they're a blast to ride and drive. But it's those hours in the garage just getting dirty that are 90% of the appeal. You go into this Zen mode. Ain't nothing but you and the machine. Nice.
Don't get me wrong, I love sitting on the couch with Smalls. But sometimes it's nice to escape mentally.
Case in point: We were driving on Sunday when this SUV passes us. Taped to the back is a "Yes on Prop 8" yard sign. Smalls flips him off. I give him the thumbs down as we pass him at the light. But damn if this bag of dicks didn't ruin my Sunday. Smalls, too. Just thinking that in the fucking Bay Area...there are still religious wingnuts who want to deny people their rights in the name of whatever fucking twisted Judeo-Christian off-shoot they follow.
I wanted to tell that guy in the SUV that "marriage predates Christianity. It wasn't until the mid-1500s at the Council of Trent that the Catholic Church decided it was going to get into the marriage business and proclaim that all marriages must be sanctified by the Church.
Prior to that, you didn't have to get married by a priest. You didn't even have to have any witnesses. It was literally, "you wanna?" Done.
But I have a feeling all that would have been lost on SUV guy.
Funny how conservatives are all about keeping the government out of their business...but want to cram it in your bedroom and in your uterus.
So vote No on Prop 8. Fuck that proposition. Fuck it right in the mouth.

I bet he had a hamburger in his hand as well.