Went to Camrose this week-end, and met a friend of a friend. She had just come off of a bad breakup of her steady boyfriend, and was in dire need of some rebound sex. Who better to give some out than me, right? Right? Too bad I didn't account for a certain future roommate of mine. *Sigh* I forgot her apparent preference for tubby stoners...
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no, as you seem to be from canada and i am unofficially canadian (or so i have been told, something to do with living in the Niagara Falls area, working at the border, and actually knowing what the terms TO, GTA, and the Hammer are referring to) i am going to assume we are both talking about Hugh Dylan's quite brilliant band. your taste in music is obviously phenomenal.

thanks for the input. when you say un literate i am mildly curious what you are referring to: use of language? bad pulp references? my complete and total disregard for proper punctuation?

anyway, the next chapter will be up friday unless someone threatens me in some entertaining manner and i out of humour concede to put it up earlier. to be honest i have only gotten as far as the fifth installment so i'm trying to keep a nice little bumper between me and the horror of any real deadline... thingie.

i feel for you on the whole rebound sex thing. i myself would rather not think about how long its been since i've even had pity sex. if you're ever in the buffalo/niagara falls area feel free to drop me a line and i will buy you a drink for your troubles (and by drink i mean a black & tan, so you better like warm guiness, we don't believe in cold piss light beer where i come from).

thanks again, and don't worry - you're young yet. there will be plenty of rebound sex to come in your future... unless you turn out to be me and i am simply writing a pointless warning to myself that i will obviously ignore.

Now that I've survised yet another deadly tornado (When can we get some hurricanes up here?!?) I've come to realize something. Nobody really cares about the weather unless it is destroy's some shit real good. Why is that? People love it when we control something to work to our advantage, and we get all pissy when that something rears its ugly head. Anyway, I'll get...
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Thats life! As guttermouth said. whats up?
Just got back from my buddies house in Camrose. Nothing better than to have a drunken slam dunk contest and laugh at all of the cowboys in town. Fucking cowboys, with their man-cameltoe. Douchebags.