So I meant to do an update blog after Portland, but got incredibly sick right when I got back, yay for sick photographers! lol. (I hope this is seeping with sarcasm) Fingers crossed it's just a small bug and that it's good to go in a few days, thankfully my boyfriend's mom brought us some grapefruit extract upon my request because it kills just about any bad bacterias and is a natural method that can expedite, and be preventative for future bugs!
Anyways, here's a little photo unload of my venture in Portland:
Someone somehow just left this bouquet of flowers in the hall/elevator and my photographer who was out doing some cosplay shoots by the Christmas tree in the lobby, found it on his way back to the room, and we took ^ this photo the morning after, before we packed up and left!
Also if you somehow missed this one it's part of a little miniset/shoot we knocked out while other ladies were getting in character:
Nails before bedazzling (^) and after (v) for my shoot!
I shot one main set in my new garter outfit from VS for SG at maybe 2AM, and another possible set the morning after, but we shall see what all comes from it as the second was kinda an impulsive last minute shoot with the second photographer who'd came to shoot, and who I'd been wanting to shoot with for over a year, so I reeeeally hope I get to show you guys what we did together soon!
Here's a few Polaroids post said shoot "the morning after" I got to peak at about 30 shots after and reeeeally loved them, but since it wasn't directly shot with SG in mind, might just call for a reshoot!
I also met this colorful lady who wanted to take photos with me while I was still naked after my shoot, and how could I say no to such an adorable lady? Oddly enough we ended up hitting it as soon as we met, and then started realizing how eerily similar we actually are.. ex: Her bestfriend and my bestfriend both live in FL, not that weird right? Well I share the exact same birthday with her bestfriend, and my bestfriend and her are a day apart from each other's birthday! Super weird, and was just cool to meet someone and hit it off instantly, because I usually suck at making new friends, because I suck at talking to new people unless they're just as weird, and yeah.. Idk but I made a friend, so yay! I'm also majorly proud of myself because there were TONS of people in and out of the room that night and it was my first time meeting literally EVERY SINGLE PERSON there, including both my photographers, so as someone who's previously had essentially crippling social anxiety I'm like fuck yeah, gold star? I think these are hella cute and silly (v)
So that's my little PDX update, hopefully more soon! Have my boyfriend's family xmas shin-dig tomorrow, so I'm sure I'll have photos and a blog about that too. I hope everyone's enjoying their Winter festivities! Also only about a month and a half away til My Little Panda hits Member Review so definitely are gonna wanna keep your eyes peeled in the new year as I think it's one of my most, animated and fun spirited sets yet!
And if you're in the spirit of giving this year here's my list to santa, and I still have lots of prints left to reciprocate for the holidays!(;