So as most of you probably know Sunstone is out! Yay! It's by far my favorite set that's currently in MR, and possibly that I've shot thus far even! And while promoting it's upcoming release a member here on SG recommended I tweet Stjepan Sejic once it went live, and I thought it was a great suggestion.. So I did! and even better he not only retweeted my original tweet , he also replied back that he liked the set! Which was fucking awesome-sauce!!
I absolutely love Sunstone, it is a beautifully written and honest look at BDSM relationships and it's not all 50 shades, or chains and whips. But the main thing that stole my heart about this comic is the stunning artwork, and absolutely perfect way the entire layout of the pages are. I love it all and highly recommend anyone who likes graphic novels to check this one out!
This was just a short blog to share that, but I'm going to be getting around to trying to thank everyone individually for all the amazing comments and love left on Sunstone, either tonight or tomorrow hopefully. For now though one hugeeee thank you to all the amazing members, fellow hopefuls, and Suicide Girls who have shown support not only to Sunstone but to all of my sets, blogs, photos, everything over the course of being a hopeful thus far. This community is something I really am proud to be a part of, and am always happy when other ladies in "real life" ask me questions about being on the site and I can share my experiences having made awesome friends, and creating beautiful things from being here. I only hope to grow and become even more a part of this awesome community! And for now I will leave you with this teaser from my next set Age Of Amethyst shot by @kezia coming out approx. 1 month from now: