Soooo I've been pretty inactive for a couple weeks, mainly due to the fact that I was spending lots of time with my mom, I went home to make sure I would be at my mom's for Mother's Day and my birthday a couple days before. We spent the whole day together, and made yummy dinner together, and watched lots of Intervention (its our thing - weird I know) But it was great, and on Mother's Day I planned on waking up earl and surprising my mom with homemade waffles, but I realized we rarely eat in the mornings, my whole family has terrible stomach issues, and in the mornings anything but fresh fruit usually doesn't set well, so I ruined my plan and told my mom to just let me know when she started to get hungry and I'd make her a late mommy's day breakfast. I did, and they were yummy! I also got my mom a pretty big photo album (enough to hold almost 200 photos) it's got a peacock on it (another one of our things) and wrote her a letter and put it in one of the slots so when she opened it it had a special note that was super sappy and cute, and totally geared to make her cry (which it did) from cuteness. Basically the photo album is meant to be a building block, we've had a super rough couple of years since moving to Washington, had a legit psycho landlord who was crazy enough to land us on KOMO 4's Problem Solvers", and ended up being taken in by friends for a few months, and for the last year and a half we've been digging our way out of the situation we didn't realize we were getting into when we moved cross-country. I plan on capturing moments from events we go to, things we do together, memories we create together, and putting them into the photo album so that any time my mom gets depressed, or even I do, we can look through the album and hopefully it will put a smile on our faces. Anyways, that's what I did for my mom this Mother's Day.
Also, the night of my birthday we got some awesome news, a lady who'd raised money to buy enough copies of If A Peacock Finds A Pot Leaf, to send out to all the lawmakers, and legislatures in her state of Hawaii, did it! (This is the second state to do so - Utah's cannabis coalition was the first - liked is the presentation they made and sent to all their lawmakers) She managed to get books out to all the Senators, and a lot of them even sent thank you's back, one even had the book in the waiting room of their office! I was so surprised to find out that she managed to get them all out even to the Governor!! I was even more surprised to find out it actually worked! I'm now contemplating doing this here in Washington state, we've had people who suggested it before, but now that I've actually seen it be put to action and possibly work, I'm a lot more game to try.. I guess I still have the mindset that what is a children's book going to do to change things, especially things like iron-clad laws.. and especially a book I wrote! I've had people tell me I'm making history by doing my children's books, tell me I'm going to change peoples minds, that any generation can understand it, and that's why it's such a useful tool, I've even seen it change people's views on cannabis, and for whatever reasons I still just can't bring myself to think it's going to change things.. Things that feel so monumental, when I quite honestly usually feel pretty small, especially by comparison, but things are going downhill here in Washington, and it's going FAST! They are basically trying to strip medical patients of their ability t get true safe-access, and are going to make it so difficult for anyone to be a patient, I don't even know what we'll do. They want to make it so everyone will be put on a list along the same lines as a registered sex offender log, well I have a huge issue with that for MANY reasons, for one we're patients NOT criminals, we have been abiding by the laws, and now they are sweeping the rug from underneath us, another reason I'm STRONGLY against patients being put on a government list is because (even though i don't even drive yet) they will have a list of everyone's names and license #'s so immediately when a cop pulls up your license they'll see your a medical marijuana patient and most likely find some bullshit reason as to why they're pulling you over, and most likely try to find any reason to nano-gram test you (a blood test, similar to looking for a Blood Alcohol Level, but for THC from cannabis) which is once again a whole nother argument, because body weight, the product the patient is consuming (medibles, dabs, flower, all different effects all different dosages, all going to react differently with different people) and they are going to have a set nano-gram limit for everyone, when almost everyone who's a patient would ALWAYS be over the limit. My last rant about the changes they're trying to make to my state... They want to make it so no one under the age of 18 can be authorized to be a medical marijuana patient, which honestly boils my blood the most, no it's not about getting kids high, its about getting kids HELP! There are so many kids who will not make it to 18 to get an authorization, with cancer, and seizures, and autism all on a rise with children now-a-days, this is the silliest thing I've ever heard. Cannabis has been shown to help these kids, we've seen it with Charlotte's Web, I've seen it with ROAR AWAY CANCER, with all these beautiful kids who were given another chance to live, and be, thanks to Cannabis but had it just been the radiation they were pumping into them I honestly don't believe most of the kids who I've seen made it would've been here. I can't imagine what it will do to our state if they start enforcing all these changes, the problem is they want to get rid of medical all together, and make everyone go recreational, but cannabis is not a recreational drug for me, it is a fucking medicine, it is something that has saved my life, and changed it for the better. I refuse to consider myself a recreational smoker, because I'm not, shit in terms of the laws I wouldn't even be old enough to smoke recreationally! That's fine though, that's why I'm medically authorized, I just refuse to have the stripped from me, when I was a green trekker, I came here for this freedom, I came to a legal, green state, and now they want to flip it on it's head and fuck over thousands of patients, it's just not right. Sorry for ranting, but with all this happening and seeing the positive effect Peter the Peacock had in Hawaii's capital it definitely gets my gears turning as to if it could help in Washington!
On a more SG related subject: my last set currently in queue with @904alvin "Northern Lights #5" is only a month away from going into member review, I'm both excited and bummed for this set, excited because I really love the lights in the set, and I really love how my hair was dyed at the time (and will probably do it again eventually) but bummed because there was a hiccup when uploading the set and there's about 3-4 duplicated photos throughout the set, which shouldn't be a huge deal, but I'm a perfectionist, and SG can't fix it until the sets already been up for 3 months, so I'll just call myself out now before anyone sees the set and notices lol.
And also if you didn't know I've still got some prints available in my etsy shop