So tonight I was able to submit the set I shot in Seattle when the lovely @kezia made a little trek down to the Evergreen State in February. This set will be titled "Age Of Amethyst" and I am really really stoked for everyone to get to see it. Kezia did an amazing job creating this set with me, especially having it been our very first meeting, we had an absolute blast together with @rosie who helped me with suggestions on poses, and help Kezia with fixing lights. Kezia also shot a multi of Rosie and I later that night, so fingers crossed we can get the multi submitted soon, and finally start the countdown!(; Because soo much babelyness in Babes of Treasure Highland! Plus super rad artwork as she was gracious enough to volunteer her hubby's space for us to shoot in (thank heavens too, because Seattle isn't notorious for bad weather for no reason!)
The idea behind this set is a very purple themed lazy day of gaming on my DSXL, and I think Kezia did an amazing job of capturing this set as if the viewer is in the room, too. I happened to be playing Kingdom Hearts 328/2 Days which I'd only gotten a few weeks prior to shooting this, so granted there were probably a few times I should've been focused on what the fuck I was doing with my face and body rather than what/where I am on the screen, lol. but this is certainly one of my favorite sets I've gotten to do so far, because it was honestly the most fun to shoot getting to hang out with two other beautiful ladies! Plus I truly think it is one of my best sets to be submitted thus far, if not the best. So now in addition to Sunstone, hopefully we will have a short-ish wait time for "Age Of Amethyst"! Here's an outtake for now: