KG That's one of the major reasons why we did it, the whole fucking sapphic comic cover, fuck, it annoys the shit out of me. It's like issue one of Phonogram where we had the sex scene with Aster and the nameless girl, it's a scene that works but that annoys me, because it's pandering, so that's one of the reasons I wanted to do the fifth cover, because I wanted to have male on male action. 'Cos the first issue wasn't about...I don't want anyone to jerk off over that scene. I mean, I really like people having sex, masturbating over my characters, that's fine, that's cool...
JM Somebody bought that page.
KG Did they masturbate over it?
JM I don't know. I've never asked them. They bought it, that's where the transaction ended.
Interview with Gillen and I conducted at Bristol Comic Con. We were pretty drunk.
JM Somebody bought that page.
KG Did they masturbate over it?
JM I don't know. I've never asked them. They bought it, that's where the transaction ended.
Interview with Gillen and I conducted at Bristol Comic Con. We were pretty drunk.
Hahah, yeah. Next month when/if I get my flat. I got a load of nice expensive frames from the gallery next door. They were having a clear out and giving them away for free.
And very nice it was to meet you