Shows this weekend kicked ass.
MC Frontalot rocked the house on Friday, helped out by the formidable powers of Optimus Rhyme. The openers Shael Riley and Nate van Ill set the stage nicely, and were excellent as well.
Front signed a sticker for me. It reads "Your beer money is MINE- MCF"
Tonight was The Hidden, Bury the Needle, and the Boston League of Women Wrestlers. Holy shit. BtN was kind of lame (they were better online), but The Hidden rocked as I expected them to. I drank beers with James (their guitarist) before the show and bought their t-shirt.
As for the wrestlin', it was amazing. The one and only Todd Purple (aka Punk Rock Todd) was the ref, and it was one of the most amazing displays I've seen. If you get the chance, I recommend checking out BLOWW.
That is all. Football tomorrow FTW.
MC Frontalot rocked the house on Friday, helped out by the formidable powers of Optimus Rhyme. The openers Shael Riley and Nate van Ill set the stage nicely, and were excellent as well.
Front signed a sticker for me. It reads "Your beer money is MINE- MCF"
Tonight was The Hidden, Bury the Needle, and the Boston League of Women Wrestlers. Holy shit. BtN was kind of lame (they were better online), but The Hidden rocked as I expected them to. I drank beers with James (their guitarist) before the show and bought their t-shirt.
As for the wrestlin', it was amazing. The one and only Todd Purple (aka Punk Rock Todd) was the ref, and it was one of the most amazing displays I've seen. If you get the chance, I recommend checking out BLOWW.
That is all. Football tomorrow FTW.