It's been brought to my attention that I need to "update" my journal. So here you go.
In other news, I'm going to play the literary critic for a moment. First, "Running With Scissors" by Augusten Burroughs (no relation to William, that I know of). It's really good, you should check it out. During the reading, you may find yourself saying, "Is he making this up?!" Well, he's not. That's probably one of the more thorough reviews you'll get, no doubt. In fact, I'll stop with that one as it required a lot of work.
So it recently emerged that over 50% of kickbacks to Iraq for cheap oil (before the "liberation") came from the good ol' US of A. It happaned right under W.'s nose too. A Texas oil company (what a surprise!) was one of the main benefactors of this. And here we are trying to throw out the UN officers and blame countries like France and Russia for corruption when we were at it the whole time. When are people going to wake up and see how corrupt W.'s administration is? When are people going to stop believing this dogma of fear that they keep preaching? No one can protect us from the terrorists like they can! Or so they say. But look at this: Iraq was supposed to be a quick in-and-out mission. Invade the country, topple Saddam, install new gov't, and everyone = happy. But look what we have now; a two-year long insurgency, increasing hatred of the USA in the Arab world (not to mention the rest of the world), $300 billion dollars of money spent on the war, and leaders at home who keep insisting that we've "turned another corner in the war". If you turn enough corners though you end up back where you started. Kinda makes you feel like we're not so protected, eh? Oh, I forgot the Patriot Act (aka, invade everyday American's private lives act). Yeah that's keeping us real safe. Thanks Big Brother.
So, what do countries like North Korea and Iran have to fear? They actually have nuclear weapons and well trained armies. Ours is stretched thin and our recruiting goals keep being missed (I think for 2 years in a row now). They're (the administration) is digging a hole. Let's just hope they don't bury us in it (I could also go on forever about the mess in congress right now as well but I really should get back to work).
Any thoughts?
In other news, I'm going to play the literary critic for a moment. First, "Running With Scissors" by Augusten Burroughs (no relation to William, that I know of). It's really good, you should check it out. During the reading, you may find yourself saying, "Is he making this up?!" Well, he's not. That's probably one of the more thorough reviews you'll get, no doubt. In fact, I'll stop with that one as it required a lot of work.
So it recently emerged that over 50% of kickbacks to Iraq for cheap oil (before the "liberation") came from the good ol' US of A. It happaned right under W.'s nose too. A Texas oil company (what a surprise!) was one of the main benefactors of this. And here we are trying to throw out the UN officers and blame countries like France and Russia for corruption when we were at it the whole time. When are people going to wake up and see how corrupt W.'s administration is? When are people going to stop believing this dogma of fear that they keep preaching? No one can protect us from the terrorists like they can! Or so they say. But look at this: Iraq was supposed to be a quick in-and-out mission. Invade the country, topple Saddam, install new gov't, and everyone = happy. But look what we have now; a two-year long insurgency, increasing hatred of the USA in the Arab world (not to mention the rest of the world), $300 billion dollars of money spent on the war, and leaders at home who keep insisting that we've "turned another corner in the war". If you turn enough corners though you end up back where you started. Kinda makes you feel like we're not so protected, eh? Oh, I forgot the Patriot Act (aka, invade everyday American's private lives act). Yeah that's keeping us real safe. Thanks Big Brother.
So, what do countries like North Korea and Iran have to fear? They actually have nuclear weapons and well trained armies. Ours is stretched thin and our recruiting goals keep being missed (I think for 2 years in a row now). They're (the administration) is digging a hole. Let's just hope they don't bury us in it (I could also go on forever about the mess in congress right now as well but I really should get back to work).
Any thoughts?

at the very least, pay me a nice compliment on my new tattoo.