Ah my first entry of the new year. Not too much to say; well maybe there is. Went to Baltimore for Christmas to visit the folks which is always fun, lots of drinkin' and family bonding. One of my other brothers got to come up as well so that was good. We took a day trip up to Philadelphia as well. It's a really cool place, I was impressed. While we were there we checked out the Mutter Museum, which is a museum that has all of these medical anomalies and rare case studies and just all around freaky stuff. It was pretty cool. So you should check it out when you get the chance.
New Year's was okay as well. Spent most of it with my friend 'Hot Stacey'. She had never been to Underground before to see the peach drop, so much to my dismay I took her down there to check it out and of course she hated it too because there are so many dumbasses down there and it took us 45 minutes just to get out of the damn train station and across the street so we could have some space. But then I got drunk and all was good.
Got my haircut today so I'm feeling especially dorky. You know that feeling you get after you've gotten it cut and you're really insecure because you look different and all - maybe it's just me then.
It's gonna be a good year.
New Year's was okay as well. Spent most of it with my friend 'Hot Stacey'. She had never been to Underground before to see the peach drop, so much to my dismay I took her down there to check it out and of course she hated it too because there are so many dumbasses down there and it took us 45 minutes just to get out of the damn train station and across the street so we could have some space. But then I got drunk and all was good.
Got my haircut today so I'm feeling especially dorky. You know that feeling you get after you've gotten it cut and you're really insecure because you look different and all - maybe it's just me then.
It's gonna be a good year.

omigoodnes i havent written to you in like five million years
um whats up. yeah i always feel different whenever i trim my hair, even though its less noticeable on me. thanks for not kicking me off your friends list even though ive been MIA for a while

you should add me as a friend. i am sure we have something more compelling in common than just loving pavement, let's see.