I hardly ever update anymore. It's weird 'cause I have lots of time on my hands. I've just kinda shut down mentally, and have resorted to watching my Northern Exposure DVD for the first season all the time. Such a good show. Get the DVD set if you haven't and you like the show.
But I just wanted to let yous guys know that I'm still alive and that I'm just being lazy at the moment. Ever since I'm done with school I don't have much of a reason to get online. I'm behind on the news as well. Don't seem to know much lately, yet I'm happy. Went shopping last weekend at these little thrift-antique stores and found a copy of Van Gogh's "Potato Eaters" for $4. A steal indeed. It sits above my computer now, so I can see it all of the time. I actually saw the real thing at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam and it was amazing. So that explains my need for the redux.
Going to Baltimore to vist the folks this weekend. My youngest brother just turned 21 too so that will be fun. Except that I feel old. Which sucks 'cause I'm not really old. Whatever, it'll be a hell of a time this weekend. Braves are playing up there too and we're going. Boog's barbeque at Camen Yard is really good. Should quench my hunger for a while.
What did you crave today? How did you satisfy that?
But I just wanted to let yous guys know that I'm still alive and that I'm just being lazy at the moment. Ever since I'm done with school I don't have much of a reason to get online. I'm behind on the news as well. Don't seem to know much lately, yet I'm happy. Went shopping last weekend at these little thrift-antique stores and found a copy of Van Gogh's "Potato Eaters" for $4. A steal indeed. It sits above my computer now, so I can see it all of the time. I actually saw the real thing at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam and it was amazing. So that explains my need for the redux.
Going to Baltimore to vist the folks this weekend. My youngest brother just turned 21 too so that will be fun. Except that I feel old. Which sucks 'cause I'm not really old. Whatever, it'll be a hell of a time this weekend. Braves are playing up there too and we're going. Boog's barbeque at Camen Yard is really good. Should quench my hunger for a while.
What did you crave today? How did you satisfy that?

hope we can all hang soon.