Nothin' doin lately. I'm graduated, and I've had interviews for new jobs, but nothing has come of them. And for some reason I don't care. I'm kinda happy where I'm at now, and am in no hurry to get to a point where I'm working all the time and having no leisure time. They've taken me on fulltime at work anyhow, so I'll alreaddy be making more than I am so it's no rush to move on.
It's not like I lack motivation, more about just lacking desire. I don't feel that I need any more responsibility - workwise - in my life at this point. I'll probably still look for new jobs, but if I do decide to interview or take a position, it will have to be much better than what I already have. There's just so much more to life than a fucking job, you know.
So that's what's going through my head lately. I finally got a haircut. Still a bit shaggy, but in a neat way. A nice description of myself in general, I think.
I think we're playing pool tonight. My goal is to beat boychucker in at least one game.
What's going on in your head?
Nothin' doin lately. I'm graduated, and I've had interviews for new jobs, but nothing has come of them. And for some reason I don't care. I'm kinda happy where I'm at now, and am in no hurry to get to a point where I'm working all the time and having no leisure time. They've taken me on fulltime at work anyhow, so I'll alreaddy be making more than I am so it's no rush to move on.
It's not like I lack motivation, more about just lacking desire. I don't feel that I need any more responsibility - workwise - in my life at this point. I'll probably still look for new jobs, but if I do decide to interview or take a position, it will have to be much better than what I already have. There's just so much more to life than a fucking job, you know.
So that's what's going through my head lately. I finally got a haircut. Still a bit shaggy, but in a neat way. A nice description of myself in general, I think.
I think we're playing pool tonight. My goal is to beat boychucker in at least one game.
What's going on in your head?

Where did you go to school at?
mm i love shagginess. i'm sorry neither my comments nor entries have been particularly interesting or intelligent. just had a lot going on lately I guess...