Saturday Jan 24, 2004 Jan 24, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email A Lazy Saturday. Don't know whether to go to the hockey game tonight or to go bowling. Hmmm... That's about the only dilemma that I have right now. Yeah... llona: i feel so bad that i did not drive you home! but at that point i was too drunk to drive. i sobered up by 4 and made my way home. i always have fun when we hang out. xoxo Jan 24, 2004 soma__: do you subscirbe to an online newsltter from its really good! thanks for the roommate thing- I'll def. try and uh.. you should go bowling! Jan 24, 2004
but at that point i was too drunk to drive. i sobered up by 4 and made my way home.
i always have fun when we hang out.