The Sad State of Pron...
Initially, this rant was going to be about internet porn....but let's face it; any pron aficionado worth a lick knows that most pron on the internet was originally meant to be distributed via less "public" means (mail order, dirty book stores, conventions, etc). I'm not being bitchy about how it gets to us. I'm all for having my pron when i need it, not 3-5 working days later.
. My beef is with the adverstsing.
It does not have to do with the "exploitation" of women, I've never heard the likes of , say, Jenna Jameson or Sylvia Saint or even T.T. Boy cumplain (
) about their wages. Most of them make more in a couple of days shooting a film than most of us slobs who watch their videos make in a month. My beef is with the publishers or whoever is in charge of marketing the stuff to us slobs.
Case in point: There are a couple of sites on the web, the ones I am reffering to are mainly sites that feature one "model" or "actress". They'll have some enticing pics on the home page along with something that usually goes like: "Watch me get even kinkier/nasty/hotter/whatever in the members section". Some will offer a 30 dollar renewing and another say 75 dollar non-renewing two-month subscription. So, not wanting to deal with what usually turns out to be a hassle, you get the non-renewing sub...yay! Now let's get in and watch the hardcore stuff! So you log in and after 20 minutes of combing through the site, the most hardcore content you can find is a pictorial set involving the "model" getting spanked with a ruler....What a fuckin JIP! So now you are out 75 bux for a 30 minute perusal of a site. FUCK. These people should really define just what they think hardcore is...they don't have to do it in bold letters or anything, asterisks and fine print would do....would save you the hassle of writing denigrating emails, which oddly enough never seem to trigger a response...sure, one could threaten to go the Better Business Bureau route...but c'mon...what are you gonna say? " I did not even come close to shooting my load with the content on their site, I want you to harass them".....don't think so.....
OOH! another thing that boggles me testosterone driven mind is why do "film" makers claim something to be a (insert porn star here)'s Bonanza/feature//whatever and the pron star is only in the first scene?! I mean, you go through the hassle of hunting down what you think is a video that features nothing but scenes of that particular pron star, you take it home...only to find out that She is only in the first out of nine scenes...the rest are freakin buttahface cumdodgin skanks ...If variety was the mood...something along the lines of "Rocco's Adventures in Europe" would have fit the bill nicely...but noooo....
The uncertainty of getting fired sucks huge donkeynuts...
End Rant.
Initially, this rant was going to be about internet porn....but let's face it; any pron aficionado worth a lick knows that most pron on the internet was originally meant to be distributed via less "public" means (mail order, dirty book stores, conventions, etc). I'm not being bitchy about how it gets to us. I'm all for having my pron when i need it, not 3-5 working days later.

It does not have to do with the "exploitation" of women, I've never heard the likes of , say, Jenna Jameson or Sylvia Saint or even T.T. Boy cumplain (

Case in point: There are a couple of sites on the web, the ones I am reffering to are mainly sites that feature one "model" or "actress". They'll have some enticing pics on the home page along with something that usually goes like: "Watch me get even kinkier/nasty/hotter/whatever in the members section". Some will offer a 30 dollar renewing and another say 75 dollar non-renewing two-month subscription. So, not wanting to deal with what usually turns out to be a hassle, you get the non-renewing sub...yay! Now let's get in and watch the hardcore stuff! So you log in and after 20 minutes of combing through the site, the most hardcore content you can find is a pictorial set involving the "model" getting spanked with a ruler....What a fuckin JIP! So now you are out 75 bux for a 30 minute perusal of a site. FUCK. These people should really define just what they think hardcore is...they don't have to do it in bold letters or anything, asterisks and fine print would do....would save you the hassle of writing denigrating emails, which oddly enough never seem to trigger a response...sure, one could threaten to go the Better Business Bureau route...but c'mon...what are you gonna say? " I did not even come close to shooting my load with the content on their site, I want you to harass them".....don't think so.....
OOH! another thing that boggles me testosterone driven mind is why do "film" makers claim something to be a (insert porn star here)'s Bonanza/feature//whatever and the pron star is only in the first scene?! I mean, you go through the hassle of hunting down what you think is a video that features nothing but scenes of that particular pron star, you take it home...only to find out that She is only in the first out of nine scenes...the rest are freakin buttahface cumdodgin skanks ...If variety was the mood...something along the lines of "Rocco's Adventures in Europe" would have fit the bill nicely...but noooo....
The uncertainty of getting fired sucks huge donkeynuts...
End Rant.

however, i do have two things of interest to say regarding other matters:
your profile pic = totally fuckin cool. i'm serious. badass.
people that curse otherpeople with the term "Bastards!" are rad.
A friend of mine once spent 125 in a porn store trying to get a hardcore movie.