Photo Essay
Hmm. Update.
Got my nipples pierced. The left one is horizontal and the right one vertical. Barbells in them. Good stuff.
Oh yeah, dropping out of university. Not liking it. Thinking about heading out west but who knows. Could go anywhere, but I do need to go somewhere.
Confusing times call for confusing measures.
Got my nipples pierced. The left one is horizontal and the right one vertical. Barbells in them. Good stuff.
Oh yeah, dropping out of university. Not liking it. Thinking about heading out west but who knows. Could go anywhere, but I do need to go somewhere.
Confusing times call for confusing measures.
i couldn't pierce both of them, it was really painful!
i am thinking about dropping uni as well...
maybe travel to europe, who knows
i am thinking about dropping uni as well...
maybe travel to europe, who knows

Yeah, I had a bad time with the piercing.
Got the first one done and was just taking a breather before the next. The guy piercing it had to run an errand for a few minutes which was okay. Then his car broke down and wasn't back for 45 minutes. By that time, that endorphin glow had worn off so the second one hurt pretty bad. I yelled 'fucking horsecock' and made the guy laugh and drop the bead. So I had this clamp and jewelery though my nipple with this guy looking for the piece he just dropped. All the while had about 5 people from the place just hanging around the room watching. Big ordeal.
And I did drop out of university in the end. Then they suspended me two months later....
Got the first one done and was just taking a breather before the next. The guy piercing it had to run an errand for a few minutes which was okay. Then his car broke down and wasn't back for 45 minutes. By that time, that endorphin glow had worn off so the second one hurt pretty bad. I yelled 'fucking horsecock' and made the guy laugh and drop the bead. So I had this clamp and jewelery though my nipple with this guy looking for the piece he just dropped. All the while had about 5 people from the place just hanging around the room watching. Big ordeal.
And I did drop out of university in the end. Then they suspended me two months later....
Started my drawing course today and realized that I have a style. Apparently.
It is hard to break it, especially when you didn't know you had it because you never drew a variety of things...or things in general. I drew flowers for the first time today. I will put a picture up in a bit.
What I really need to do is determine how the...
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It is hard to break it, especially when you didn't know you had it because you never drew a variety of things...or things in general. I drew flowers for the first time today. I will put a picture up in a bit.
What I really need to do is determine how the...
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So my goal is to have my portfolio done by the end of Jan. I think I have had it with Trent and need to go somewhere that my mind can expand. Toronto and OCAD are hopefully it.
I don't know how I am going to get through this year though - I have no motivation to take these courses. I realized the reason...
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So my goal is to have my portfolio done by the end of Jan. I think I have had it with Trent and need to go somewhere that my mind can expand. Toronto and OCAD are hopefully it.
I don't know how I am going to get through this year though - I have no motivation to take these courses. I realized the reason...
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