So we haven't been on here in awhile. I think I'm alittle depressed. My sleeping habits are all fucked up. Dr. gave me some pills to see if they help. Have tendonitis in my right elbow, thanks work!! I have no motivation to do anything, yet I have so much I want to do. Getting a new job would be great. Have so many interests I feel like they are pulling me in every direction. Installing car stereos, working with animals, forensics, cars, etc. etc. Hung out with Normy at his shop, I really love it there. He such a great person to be around. I love meeting his friends; they make me come out of my shell and talk.
I wish that I could have friends that liked to do things that are fun yet you don't have to pay your ass off to do. Told gf awhile back I'm curious about other people since she's been the only one I've ever been with. So that's kinda good but kinda sucks too. I've noticed lately I've been observing more people. Most women but some men. People crack me up when they are not thinking. I live in my own little world; atleast that's what everyone tells me. I think gemini's have that strangeness to them, or maybe it's just me. I know I can be more outgoing but something is holding me back and I can't figure it out. Ahh the inner workings of the human brain. Would LOVE to meet more people than my 10 or so peeps. Anyway, thought I'd vent for awhile.
Much love to everyone.

Much love to everyone.
We can figure out things to do that are fun and cheep, cuz I'm a broke ass.
See you Friday!!!!