thanks so much to everyone that told me how irrational i was being. sometimes i just need to hear it before i let myself believe that it's true, you know?
exams are done, and i'm going home for the week on Saturday. i'm pretty excited to go home, even though none of my friends will be there, because UC is... Read More
Our school had being doing sixteen week semesters up until this year when it felt like joining the rest of the world. We would start school in August and end right before xmas and then start the second week of january or some shit and then end in May. Jesus that sucked.
Currently I'm hanging on for dear life, reconciling that I'm not going to make Dean's list for this semester (and I really wanted a cool clicky pen and writing pad too!) and finding it to be not that difficult a task. I had three exams this week which went ok. Not spectacular or anything, just low 90's mid 80's stuff. We have another exam on Wednesday and then we will have a week and a half off (from having exams, not from school) in which I wll get drunk quite often.
this week has been so weird. on one hand, i'm so stressed and upset and tired from school and friends and family that i'm ready to just hop on a bus and disappear Ghost World style. on the other, some of this stressful shit has really made me closer to a few of my friends, and i'm just really glad to have them... Read More
times are stressful right now. but i can't help but feel good about just about everything...even the bad things. it could be worse...i could be on fire.
I have gone out, a possessed witch,
haunting the black air, braver at night;
dreaming evil, I have done my hitch
over the plain houses, light by light:
lonely thing, twelve-fingered, out of mind.
A woman like that... Read More
Trash: Do you ever wonder about all the different ways of dying? You know, violently? And wonder, like, what would be the most horrible way to die?
Spider: I try not too think about dying too much.
Trash: Mm. Well for me, the worst way would be for a bunch of old men to get around me, and start biting and eating me alive.
If someone was already a gonner, I don't think I'd have too many problems with it - if it was a survival thing.
I love the White Rapper Show. I've been recording the entire season.
I just automatically assume that any woman who directly addresses me wants to sleep with me, so of course you do. This can get a bit awkward when I'm talking to my boss.
If I was anywhere near Cincinnati, I'd be flooding you with applications.
I got what you were saying re: sacred/profane.
Actually on that note, I can't recommend The God Delusion enough, if you're looking for books. I'm devouring it at the moment.
Also, Grant Stoddard's "Working Stiff" which is a fun read about an accidental sex columnist. Check it out online. If you think you'd like to read it, I could send it to you.
Eligible, not too stupid
Intelligiable, and cute as cupid
Knowledgeable, but not always right
Salavagable, and free for the night
Well my heart's runnin' round like a chicken with its head cut off
All around the barn yard falling in and out of love
Poor thing's blind as a bat
Gettin' up, fallin' down, gettin' up
Who'd fall in love with a chicken with its... Read More
so, yeah. this weekend was pretty interesting. it was definately fun, but i feel like i've had a mini-hangover since Saturday.
i'm still thinking about joining the Peace Corps. for while. i definately want to go to mortuary school, though. i'm thinking about finishing my degree here, serving my 27 months in the P.C., and then going back to school. i don't know if that's... Read More
Tell your dad you want to come to Boston for July 4th. I just realized you'll be all legal and shit then. We'll get drunk at Fenway and try to puke on baseball players.
hee hee.
anyway. my best friend and soul sister got me some oils that i've been drooling over for the last few months. she picked them out from this line and they smell sooooo nice. the picture on that page is also the base for... Read More
That's a great video. I have some pics in my folder of touchdown Jesus. I've only seen him once, when I picked up my roommate at the Dayton airport and drove to his house in Loveland. Ihope you're well.
Our school had being doing sixteen week semesters up until this year when it felt like joining the rest of the world. We would start school in August and end right before xmas and then start the second week of january or some shit and then end in May. Jesus that sucked.
Currently I'm hanging on for dear life, reconciling that I'm not going to make Dean's list for this semester (and I really wanted a cool clicky pen and writing pad too!) and finding it to be not that difficult a task. I had three exams this week which went ok. Not spectacular or anything, just low 90's mid 80's stuff. We have another exam on Wednesday and then we will have a week and a half off (from having exams, not from school) in which I wll get drunk quite often.
PPP 4 LYFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND we were born on the same day