i really want this on vinyl for some reason.
so, i seem to be getting pretty good at attracting boys now. i have no idea what to do or how to act after that. this whole courting thing is totally confusing.
my friend and i had a laughing fit that lasted almost 10 minutes the other day. it was one of those moments where you just realize how absolutely absurd life is. it was a pretty relieving feeling.
okay, now, seriously. what the hell is up with Adult Swim these days? i've only started watching it again for the last couple nights and i stil can't figure out what it is that i'm actually seeing.
i think my mother is trying to kill me with her mind. she has been putting me through non-stop verbal torture since 8:30 AM today, and it doesn't look like it's going to let up any time soon. i guess at least when my boss asks me why i'm so tired tomorrow i can truthfully respond that my mom was leaving threatening messages on my phone all night. maybe i'll get a pity raise!

so, i seem to be getting pretty good at attracting boys now. i have no idea what to do or how to act after that. this whole courting thing is totally confusing.
my friend and i had a laughing fit that lasted almost 10 minutes the other day. it was one of those moments where you just realize how absolutely absurd life is. it was a pretty relieving feeling.
okay, now, seriously. what the hell is up with Adult Swim these days? i've only started watching it again for the last couple nights and i stil can't figure out what it is that i'm actually seeing.
i think my mother is trying to kill me with her mind. she has been putting me through non-stop verbal torture since 8:30 AM today, and it doesn't look like it's going to let up any time soon. i guess at least when my boss asks me why i'm so tired tomorrow i can truthfully respond that my mom was leaving threatening messages on my phone all night. maybe i'll get a pity raise!
My sister and I used to have those laughing fits. We'd be banished from the dinner table for them. Milk used to come out of my nose a lot.