Back from a hella good weekend at ArcTanGent festival. Here's a photo of Greg from The Dillinger Escape Plan defying gravity


This is me aged 17. I spent most of my teenage years rocking the Robert Smith look.


Who else likes to crack a tinny in the tub?


So tomorrow is Camden Rocks, my 3rd festival in the space of a month. If last year is anything to go by, where I consumed a shit ton of shots with The Hype Theory, fell asleep on the train and ended up in Three Bridges, it looks like being a mental one. To sum it all up here is a photo of me with the...
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Hello to this corner of the Internet. So I just finished watching a fascinating BBC documentary about the 'Dolphin House' Experiment. The basics of this experiment was that by living with humans a dolphin could be taught to understand and eventually 'speak' English. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b046w2n8/the-girl-who-talked-to-dolphins. The experiment earned a lot of infamy after an article in Hustler Magazine focused on a single part of the whole...
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Also a towards the end you might get a bit teary eyed, I almost did

So I was at a Frank Iero & the Cellabration gig earlier and although they were a solid band (plus the sound in the venue was on point) I couldn't help but feel like, I didn't really care that much about it.

Can't even say I didn't like them, just that I was a bit indifferent

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This is one of things I love to do, go to see some live music and make ridiculous faces.

Also I'm sporting some rather fine merchandise, I think you'll agree